Assessment of Counseling Services in Addis Ababa Mobile Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center
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Addis Ababa Universty
This research was conducted to identify the major achievements and problems of
counseling given in the mobile VCT center to satisfy the needs of the clients. For this
study, descriptive survey method was used and data were collected from available
five counselors, two coordinators, a supervisor and 160 voluntary Clients through
questionnaires, structured interview and observation checklist. As a result, Addis
Ababa OSSA mobile van has functioning laboratory, separate narrow counseling
room, inadequate tent waiting area, infection control and waste disposal practices as
well as it is well structured and has adequate stuff. But the study found out that;
there is a referral service problem, specially care and support service, problems of
follow up and networking and promotion about the mobile VCT services were not
adequate. Besides, contents of pre-test counseling session were covered but the
contents of post-test counseling sessions were not fully covered during the
counseling sessions. Furthermore, the study indicated that counselors did not
possess some of the basic counseling skills, the training given to them was neither
standardized nor adequate and the majority counselors were not well experienced.
In addition, counselors face the presence of workload, lack of on-going training, lack
of technical support, administrative support, lack of emotional support, staff turn
over, staff moved to other posts and lack of waiting area. Nevertheless, most of the
clients and counselors of the mobile VCT center have positive attitude towards
counseling services. Finally, Based on the problems recommendations were
forwarded such as; provide further standardized training and refreshment training for
Counselors, provide strong support and supervision, referral system should be
strengthen, counselors' need of incentive and shift work should be addressed, the
contents of post-test counseling should be covered, the counseling and waiting room
should be improved in order to provide quality Mobile VCT services.