Design Implementation and perfomance Evalution of Cluster Based Aodv Routing Protocol.

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Addis Ababa University


network connectivity due to mobility. Each node participating in the network acts both as host and a router and must therefore is willing to forward packets for other nodes. A number of routing protocols like Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) and Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) were proposed and their performance was compared by several researchers. In this paper, Cluster Based AODV (CBAODV) routing protocol is designed and implemented on ns-2.29 simulator by using Energy Based clustering algorithms to solve the scalability problem and by retaining the merits of AODV. A detailed simulation has been carried out and its performance has been compared with pure AODV, DSR and CBRP routing protocols and also with its preliminary version, Clustered AODV (CAODV) which used lowest ID clustering algorithm for cluster formation. The performance differentials are analyzed using varying network load, mobility, and network size. The metrics used for performance analysis are Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), End-to-End Delay (EED), and Normalized Routing Load (NRL). Results show that the CBAODV routing has 3.12% and 1.15% improvement in PDR over the flat AODV and CAODV protocols respectively. It also introduces less overhead than the two. However, the results also indicate that the two source routing based protocols, DSR and CBRP, have very high PDR which is up to 94% in highest mobility models, whereas AODV and CBAODV achieve only up to 81%. Meanwhile, the three distance vector based protocols, AODV, CBAODV and CAODV, exhibits a very short end-to-end delay of data packets, up to 0.4 second, but 1.2 second in case of DSR and CBRP. Key words: MANET, AODV, CBAODV, DSR, CBRP, Clustering



Manet, Aodv, Cbaodv, Dsr, Cbrp, Clustering
