Factors That Impede the Implementation of Tvet in Addis Ababa City Administration: The Case of Two Selected Tvet Institutions

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Addis Ababa University


Techni cal and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is currently, one of the key issues for the development of human capital based on the princ iple of nat ion bui ldi ng. There is an agreement that the proper training of the youth with different leve ls of scientific and techni cal ski lls will contribute a lot in rea lizing the development goals of Ethiopia. The government has des igned a nationwide implementation of midd le level TVET programs. The labor market needs and continuous ly demands qualified workforces; the people and institu tions a lso requires about the effecti veness 01' the program (they always evaluate the im plementation process). This stud y, thu s, attempted to understand how those programs were implemented in Addis Ababa by selecting two purposefully se lected TVET Institutions; Winget TVET College and St. Mary's Univers ity College. It identifies the core factors that impede the quality or the implementation ofTVET program in the City Admin istrat ion. For the execution of thi s study, an Instrumental qua litative case study des ign was impl emented. In th is case, data were collected through document ana lyses, observati on and interviews. To secure and evidenced the data, the researcher used both formal and in fo rmal in terviews conducted with students, trainers, princi pa ls, vocat ional counselo rs, supervisors in the enterprises and TVET experts in Add is Ababa City Admini stration. The data gathered during the study revealed that the quality of the implementation of the program is influenced by many factors related to the selection and placement or the students, the des ign and im plementation of the curricula, and the real ity of the graduates' unemployment in the co untry. The study has indicated that the im plementat ion of the program in these lnsti tuti ons were marked by: the ava ilab ili ty of great difference qual ity in the ir TVET program im plementation, the ex istence or re latively better implementat ion atmosphere in the pri vate coll eges, and the two major problems of TVET program implementation are lack of awareness and limited capac ity. Based on the find ings, valuable suggestions were forwarded for those stack ho lders who im ply during the course of the study. Thus, TVET should incorporate more workplace learning, the lifelong learning, a diversity of fundin g, a divers ity of de livery mechanisms by increas ing the awareness of the society and ca pac ity of in stituti ons and teachers in different di rect ions.



