Job Satisfaction among Secondary School Teachers in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The study sought to determine the relationship belvveen personal characteristics
a/reachers, intrinsic factors, and extrinsic/actors andjob sati.~'laclion.
A sample of 270 teachers was selected by using strat!fied random sampling
method from a population of 1852 teachers in Addis Ababa government
secondaty schools. The data regarding the dependent and independent variahles
were collected by questionnaires from the teachers.
Statistical analysis included computation of correlation matrix. multiple
regression analysis, (R2
), and F-values.
The .finding of the study revealed thatfrom all the independent variables onlyfive
were selected by the stepwise regression method and had a statistically sign!ficant
relationship with the criterion measure. These independent variables are: work
itself, working conditions, interpersonal relations, sex, and salary. All 0/ these
variables have a statistically significant relationship with the criterion measure.
The .findings of the study indicated that work itself, working conditions,
interpersonal relations, sex, and salary are better predictors of teachers' joh
satisfaction than other factors.
The results of the study have been intefpreted and compared with those of other
studies reported in the literature. On the bases of the finding obtained in the study
it was recommended that the problem has to be further researched in d(fferent
regions for validating findings and instrument developed.
relationship belvveen personal characteristics