A Study of the Extent to Which Senior Secondary School Students Practise Disseminating Environmental Education to The Surrounding Community: With Particular Reference to Grade Eleven Students in East Wellega Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the the extent to which senior secondary
school students, grade eleven students in particular, of East Wellega zone, disseminate
environmental education to the surrounding community. In doing so, an attempt was
made to see the students' awareness, attitude and practice regarding environmental
concerns. The subjects included 200 students from two senior secondary schools in the
zone, their respective parents and 23 teachers. An awareness test, attitude inventory and
rating scale questionnaires were administered to the students to investigate their
awareness of and attitude toward environmental concerns, and factors hindering the
dissemination of environmental education to the community. A10reover, a questionnaire
was administered to the teachers and an interview was conducted wilh the parents to
examine studenis' practices in disseminating environmental education. The data was,
then, analyzed using percentage, class interval, t-test and correlation matrix. The results
of the study revealed that the students had an awareness of basic environmental
education issues and also had favourable altitude toward the conservation of resources.
Nonetheless, their practices in disseminating environmental education to the community
was found to be relatively much less. On the other hand, a comparision made between
environmental education club members and the non-club members indicated a better
standing of the club members in their awareness, attilude and practices. The comparison
between urban and rural students also revealed more favourable attitude, and practices
with the latter. Based on these findings recommendations were suggested.
Extent to Which Senior Secondary, School Students Practise