Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers of children under 2 years of age towards the weaning progress, North west Ethiopia ,amhara national regional state ,East Gojjam zone,amanuel town, June 2014.
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Addis Abeba University
Weaning is a gradual process of the introduction of complementary foods to the infant’s diet as
per the WHO recommendations. The weaning practice in developing countries is affected by
attitudinal, knowledge, cultural, economical, and social and other demographic factors.
This was a cross sectional with the purpose of assessing the weaning knowledge, attitudes and
practices among mothers with children's of age under 2 years in Amanuel town, east Gojjam
Zone, Amhara National Regional State, North West Ethiopia. The major objectives of this studywere: to determine the level of weaning knowledge among mothers with children's of age under
2 years; to identify the attitudes of mothers towards the weaning process: to identify the practices
of mothers during the weaning process; and to investigate the cultural beliefs and traditions and
factors influencing the weaning process.
The data was collected using an interview schedule, which was carried out by the data
collectors from 374 mothers with children of under 2 years of age. The structured questionnaire
was used for interviewing study subjects and the data was collected from March to April (2014).
The subjects were selected by simple random sampling, particularly lottery method from the
source population and those who have children of under 2 years.
Statistical analyses were done using percentage, Chi-Square test, Odds Ratio(OR), 95%
confidence interval(CI) and inferences were drawn. It was observed that majority of the
respondents(53.4%) knew that weaning should be initiated by the age of 4-6 months but 52.7%
initiated by this age.40.6% mothers preferred cow's milk for weaning. It was also found out that
the most common source of information on weaning was the hospitals/MCH. Majority of
respondents-had neutral attitude towards weaning. Results from the Chi-square test also revealed
some of the significant relationships, which were between education level and weaning practice
(X2=22.9,P=0.012,income and weaning practice(X2=28.86,P=0.04,information & weaning
practice(X2=26.86,P=0.018), and knowledge and weaning practice (X2=13.4,P=0.033). There
was also an association between attitude and weaning practice of respondents(X2=8.8,P=0.013).
It was concluded that most mothers have had some form of information on weaning but few of
them were practicing the correct weaning practices. Majority of mothers had neutral attitude
towards weaning . It is recommended that all mothers should be educated about the basic
principles of weaning and the literacy rate should be increased. The health extension workers
should also be trained about the weaning guidelines.
Weaning, Attitude, Knowledge, Practice, Weaning foods.