Effects of Circuit Training Program on Physical Fitness Among Female Students: Alibo High School Horo Guduru Wollega Zone (Oromia Region)
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
This study attempted to explore effects of circuit training program on selected physical fitness
variables of female students. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 24 novice female
students on intervention and comparison group aged15 to 16 years from grade 9 students. The
main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of circuit training program on selected
physical fitness variables of Alibo high School female students Horo Guduru Wollega Zone in
Oromia Regional state. Those subjects under this study took part in experimental design pre
and post test on both group from October 1/02/2015 to December 30/04/ 2016, 2 days per week
for 3 months and 40 minutes prerecession. The physical fitness variables selected for the study
were: cardio respiratory endurance (1.6 km run in minutes), muscular endurance (sit-ups
reps/60 seconds), muscular strength (modified push-ups reps/30 seconds), power (standing long
jump in meter) and agility (4x10 m shuttle run in seconds).Data were analyzed by using SPSS
paired samples t- test with pair wise comparison of means at 95% confidence interval. The
results indicated that there were significantly improvements in performance on selected
physical fitness variables due to the effects of circuit training with active rest (p < 0.05).This
study confirmed that circuit training with active rest was significant to improve the physical
fitness variables. The main finding of the study was novice female students have discovered
positive outcomes towards physical fitness variables. The study also illustrates that health and
fitness level of participants can be improved as a result of circuit training program.
Key words: circuit training on: cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, power and agility