GIS Based Road Traffic Accident Black spot Sites Assessment: A Case Study of Kirkos Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Road traffic accidents have been recognized as one of those adverse elements which contribute to the
suffocation of economic growth in the developing countries, due to the heavy loss related to them, hence
causing social and economic concern. Traffic safety is an important key and plays an integral role in
sustainable transportation development areas. Now days, the main negative impact of road transportation
systems are loss of property, injuries and deaths in road accidents.
The objective of this study is to Assess GIS based Road Traffic Accidents black spot Sites related issues
of Kirkos sub-city in terms of frequency, time and space from 2014 to 2018. The pivotal data necessary for
the study was collected from the daily Road Traffic Accident records format of the Kirkos Sub city. Besides,
point based traffic accident sites were collected using GPS data-logger devices, it was converted in to
shape file using ArcGIS 10.2 software by uploading via DNRGPS application software then
„Joins and relates‟ function. Thesis applied the combination of geo-information technology and spatialstatistical
analysis to bring-out the influence of spatial factors in their formation. The results were
presented in the form of line graphs, crosstabs, pie charts, figures and black spots maps.
A traffic accident has multi-facet characteristics associated with it. For proper traffic accident black spots
identification use of GIS technique has become an inevitable tool. The result of the study revealed that
about 1154 people were affected by Road Traffic Accident casualties. In this connection, the road crashes
coasted 537,563,785 ETB from 2014/15 to 2017/18. Besides, 54 Road Traffic Accident Black Spots, top
10 as well as 5 consistent Road Traffic Accident Black Spots have been identified and mapped for the
sub city. This Study examined the relations between traffic accidents and city characteristics, such as
trend, road factors, and spatial factors. In general, the location of traffic accidents is described as an
address with text, so they are difficult to display on the map. These are concern with how to utilize the
GIS to work-out on spatial analyst to record the traffic accidents, to map and identify road traffic accident
black spots. Remedial measures and provisions for traffic safety are suggested for reducing the risk of accidents
in black spots.
GIS, GPS, Road Traffic Accident, Road Traffic Accident Black Spots, Road Traffic Accident casualties