Correlation b/n Undrained Shear Strength, Swelling Pressure and Standard Penetration Test With Liquidity Index
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Addis Ababa University
Geotechnical investigation is an essential requirement to the design and construction of civil
engineering projects the behavior of soil properties is very challenging and unique nature.
Geotechnical engineers usually attempts to develop empirical equations specific to a certain
region and soil type, but the soil behavior uncertainties involved in this process. The reasons for
this result can easily be related to quality of the in situ, borehole sampling and laboratory tests.
In addition, there is also a more important reason that affects the obtained results which is the
heterogeneous nature of the soil.
Determining of undrained shear strength and Swelling Pressure parameters in laboratory are
really tedious and time consuming. Therefore, a correlation between undrained shear strength,
Swelling Pressure and SPT with Liquidity Index are useful for restraint of testing number and
costs. This study the data are obtained from results of field and laboratory tests that have been
carried out for Addis Ababa Housing project at koyefeche Condominium building site.
As a result of the studies the correlation are established the Undrained shear strength can be
estimated by Cu = 33.65e
with coefficient of determination (R
) of 51.2 %, Swelling
Pressure can be estimated by Ps = 19.53 IL
-20.27 IL +30.73 with coefficient of determination
) of 70.4 % and the better and more reliable correlation found SPT number Silt with high
plasticity (MH) and Silt with low plasticity (ML) Soil. Finally, the output of this study can
serve as a basis for detail investigation to carry out further correlation study by using carefully
performed and well controlled borehole sampling and laboratory testing.
Undrained Shear Strength, Swelling Pressure, SPT number (N), Liquidity Index (IL)