An Assessment on the Effectiveness of Labor Market Information System in Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Addis Ababa City Government
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of the study was to assess the current status of the effectiveness of labor market
information system in Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Addis Ababa
City Government. The area of concern believed to be relevant to examine the meaning and
concept of labor market information source of TVET, and countries experiences on the labor
market information and TEVT A descriptive survey research method was employed for the
study. The sample TVET colleges were Nefasilk, Rift valley Un iversity, Misrak and Selam TVET
College. The subject of the study includes 120 trainees, 60 TVET graduates, 40 TVET
management bodies and 117 employer organizations. Purposive, availability 10ttelY and random
sampling technique were used to select the colleges and on the subject of the study.
Questionnaires interview were used to obtain the necesswy data. Using SPSS Software data
results were organized and summarized into tables, percentages and cross-tabulations.
Depending Oil questions and response different testing instruments such as ANO VA and T-test
were used. The finding of the study depicted that there is a critical need of quality training,
assigning students with their interest in the training and opportunity for jilrther training for
TVET graduates that result ji-om lack of market demand, lack of professional human power who
conducts research on the job opportunity, the society's lack of trust on the knowledge and skills
competence of trainees, how capacity of TVET institutes, inadequate preparation/ background of
the students in high schools, ancl mismatch of TEVT curricula with the market demand. The
outcome of the study also showed that the growth of TVET trainees' enrollment rise year to year.
The study results also revealed that TVET institutions have considering the market demand of the
training area. Employer organizations also have plan for expansion without giving emphasis to
utilize the excess human power in the area. Besides, the study reflects that trainees are not
properly guided or given information to select appropriate training areas that suit their
potentials. This reflects that training institutes show neglect of labor market information for
trainees guidance and placement in the area of training demanded on the market. In light of
these findings the following recommendation were forwarded: establishing TVET research units
in the f ederal, regional and institutional level, LMIs should be conducted periodically and
continuously, data bank on labor market should be made available, and TVET 5ystem should be
steered and implemented with the involvement of a wide stakeholders group in order to provide
quality, relevant and demand driven training.
effectiveness of labor market information system, in Technical Vocational Education