Teacher Student Interaction in Art Education Classes: A Study of Classroom Practice in Selected Second Cycle Primary Schools of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose 0 f this study was to analyze t he verbal and non-verbal student-teacher
interaction of art education classes in six second cycle primary schools in Addis Ababa. Two
non-govemmental and four govenunental second cycle primary schools were selected for
the study using random sampling teclmiques.
Multiple data collecting instruments were used for the study. Flanders interaction analysis
technique was used to collect a nd analyze t he verbal behaviours of students and teachers
recorded in the VTR and Questionnaires were also used to explore the classroom interaction
in depth. The non-verbal data from the VTR was interpreted and analyzed using modified attask
The findings indicate that, on average teachers consumed about 65% of the class time for
talk, while students used only about 18%. Art teachers were found using direct influences
in teaching. Art classes were characterized by low teacher use of questions i.e. about 16%
while the norm is 26%. The teachers' tendency to react to the ideas and feelings of pupils
and students self introduced ideas were low. Percentage of si lence or confusion in most
classrooms was found to be in agreement with Flanders n0l111ative expectations. Based
on the findings and conclusions, to reduce the existing low student-teacher interaction of
art education classes, the following solutions are recommended. Student-teacher
interaction Should be given due emphasis in the pre-service and in-service programmes.
Activities like exhibiting pupils' art works within classroom and in the school should be
practiced. Moreover, students should often be given the opportunity to go on excursions
to museums and at1 galleries
Interaction , Art Education