Perceptions ofTeachers’ Towards Teachers’ Performance Appraisal System In Secondary Schools of Halaba Special Woreda
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Addis Ababa University
The ultimate purpose of the study was to assess the practice of current teachers’ performance
appraisal system by making use of survey conducted at government secondary schools located in
Halaba special Woreda, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region. All the seven
government secondary schools were selected for the study by using census sampling technique.
The population of the research comprises teachers, vice directors, directors and supervisors of
government secondary schools in Halaba special Woreda. The researcher used a sample size of
one hundred and ten teachers out of the possible two hundred and ten and nine school leaders out
of the nineteen at government secondary schools of Halaba special Woreda. The respondents were
selected for the study by using stratified sampling technique for teachers and purposive sampling
technique for school directors. Open and close ended questions, structured interview and
document review were used to collect data. The data gathered through questionnaires were
analyzed using percentages, mean, standard deviation, weighted mean, independent sample t-test,
One Way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test. The data gathered from open ended questions and
documents review were analyzed logically. Based on the analysis the study revealed that teachers
were not happy with overall PA practice in their schools. Moreover, there were no many of the
vital elements that are needed in an effective performance appraisal. Thus, this needs a serious
attention and there should be some work to be done in improving the system and making it more
successful and rewarding. The study recommends that teachers be involved in designing the rating
and measurement scales to ensure development of reliable, valid, fair and useful performance
standards. The study also recommends regular training of appraisers on performance appraisal
as well as redesigning of the appraisal tool for effectiveness in measuring different dimensions of
Keywords: Performance appraisal, performance management, teachers’ appraisal
Performance Appraisal, Performance Management, Teachers’ Appraisal