Field Driven Translocation of a Polymer into a Circular Cavity :a Two Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation Study
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Addis Ababa University
In this thesis the linear polymer transported into a circular cavity hole is simulated. We
have used the way of Monte Carlo approach in the presence of the applied external eld
to study polymer translocation into cavity hole using the 2D
uctuation bond model with
single{segment Monte Carlo moves. While an external eld is applied we analyze the
translocation and concentrate on the translocation time into cavity hole as function of a
polymer chain sizes. However there are other in
uences on forced translocation i.e the
eld strength,the width of cavity wall and the attractive interaction of the monomers
and cavity hole, here we examined only the in
uence of the length of the chain N on the
forced translocation time.The major e ect of superimposed monomers number on polymer
translocation has been proved. As our main result we found that a crossover scaling for
translocation time with chain length N1+ where is the Flory exponent.And the
polymer escape time is directly proportional with the length of polymer N
A Circular Cavity hole is Simulated