Factors Affecting The Effectiveness of Clustering School Program in Teaching Learning Process; The Case of Yeki Woreda and Teppi Town Cluster Schools
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate factors affecting the effectiveness of clustering
school program in teaching learning process the case of Teppi and Yeki woreda cluster
primary school. The descriptive survey method was used to study the problem. The study
was carried out in 10 cluster primary schools. The subjects included 130 teachers 21
directors, two resource center representative persons, 31 educational bureau experts from
both woredas. Questionnaire was administered accordingly. In addition to questionnaire,
interview and observation were also used. The data collected through questionnaire was
analyzed using frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data, which were collected using
interview and observation, were analyzed by direct interpretation. The findings of the study
indicated that, the training programs held at cluster resource and cluster school centers were
spontaneous, infrequent and not determined by need assessment. Experience sharing among
cluster schools did not exist. The cluster school innovation was not successful in attaining,
active learning, exam, sporting, question and answer, training, female student participation,
improving students dropout rates, student promotion rates in the teaching learning process.
On the other hand, lack of structuring cluster resource representative and attaching
responsibility to innovate cluster school program affected the positive outcome of the
intervention. Lack of monitoring and follow-up from the concerned officials also had its
negative influence on the proper functioning of cluster resource center.