Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Aggression and Their Relationship With Adolescent Students' Academic Achievement: The Case of Gambella National Regional State
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Addis ababa univeresty
The objective of this study were to im estigate the relationship between
adolescent self-efficacy, se(f-esteem, aggression, gender and their academic
performance. The data were gathered through three Likert type scales (se(f-
efficacy, se(f-esteelJl,
and aggression) and data on their academic pel/orl11ance
l"ere collected from the record offices of their respected schools. A totaf of 286
(225 male and 61 females) high school adolescent students ranging from 15 to
1 year' of age af/ending grade nine and ten in the Gambella Region constitute
Ihe sample. The sample lila' selected through proportional stratified random
'amJ7ling methoc/. The results were analyzed lIsing mean, standard deviation.
Pearson correlation, t-test and multiple regression. The Intercorelation matrix
result indicated that se(F-efficacy and academic achie\ ement had a positive
correlation ofr=0.15, p < 0.05; and aggression and academic achievement had a
negative correlation 0/1' =-0.18, p < 0.01 ; and aggression and se(f-esteem had a
negative cOrl'elation ofr=-0.22, p < O. OJ. The contribution of gender, aggression.
se(f-efficacy together accollnled for 10 . ../0 percent of lOriation /n academic
achievement. Gender was posith ely and sign(ficantly related to academic
achievement (1' =0.20, p < 0.05). A statisticaff)' sign(ficant d(ffercnce was obtainedin academic achie\ emenl and aggression in /c/1'or of males I (2 ../) =3 . ../3../, P
0.05 and t (28../) =3.82. p < 0.05 respectively.
imilarly, a stalistically sign(jicant
difference was observed bel\1'een male ane/female se(f- esteem score' in fen or of
females (t (28.:1) =-../.071. P < 0.05 in absolute lOlue).However, the t-te I shol1"
that no statistically significant difference was ob. 'erved between male andfemale
students in self-efficacy 1(28"/) =1.109,p>0.05. It indicates that 'llIdents' gender
difference influences their academic achie\ ement. Hence, due allention hould be
given in enhanCing 'e(f-efficacy and self-esteem and minimizing aggression of
adolescent students in order to facilitate a beller academic performance