Knowledge and Practice of Neonatal Resuscitation and Its Associated Factors among Health Professionals Working at Selected Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Neonatal resuscitation is an intervention performed to a new born baby who has
difficulty in air way breathing and circulation. Resuscitation of the newly born infant presents
a different set of challenges than resuscitation of the adult or even the older infant or child.
However, we know little about the knowledge and practice of neonatal resuscitation among
health professionals in Addis Ababa.
Objective: To assess knowledge and practice of neonatal resuscitation and associated factors
among health professionals working in intensive care units and delivery rooms from public
hospitals of Addis Ababa, 2020.
Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted in public hospitals of
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2020. A total of 225 nurses’ midwives, pediatric residents, and
obstetrics and gynecology residents working in neonatal in intensive care unit and delivery
rooms were included in this study. Data was collected by using validated self-administered
questionnaires. The data was presented using tables, figures and texts. Simple and multiple
linear regression analysis method was used to identify factors associated with the health
professionals’ knowledge and practice of neonatal resuscitat ion.
Result: Two hundred sixteen of 225 participants were included in this study yielding a
response rate of 96%. Mean knowledge score of health professionals about neonatal
resuscitation was 62.7 % (±12.7%) with minimum and maximum score of 23.5% and 85.2%
respectively. While overall mean practice score of participants was 59.5 % (±14.5%) with a
minimum and maximum and score of 22.2% and 94.4% respectively. The findings showed that
health professionals who had neonatal resuscitation training, last training time less than two
years, higher educational level and attitude were significantly associated with better knowledge
score. While high knowledge score, attitude, guidelines availability in working unit were
significantly associated to better practice score of health professionals. Whereas higher
educational level significantly associated to lower practice score of the participants.
Conclusion: The overall knowledge and practice score of health professionals was low.
Continuous training, supportive supervision, participants update their knowledge and include
neonatal resuscitation procedure to undergraduate and postgraduate course is encouraged.
Neonate, Resuscitation, Knowledge, Practice, Heath professionals, Ethiopia