Factors Affecting Implementation of Community Skill Training Centers Program: The Case of AWi Zone.
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Addis ababa univeresty
The study has aimed at assessing fa ctors affecting implementation of
Community skill Training Centers (CSTCs) program in Awi Zone. In the
study, a descriptive survey method was used. Four Community Skill
Training Centers we re selected by purposive sampling method. All the four
CSTCs trainees, (N= 104), trainers (N=6) and coordinato rs of CSTCs (N=4)
were employed in the study, and 5 heads and 9 experts of woreda and
zonal Micro and Small Trade and Indu stry Promotion Agency (MSTIPA) were
selected by purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interviews,
observation and document review were used to gather data. Data analysis
was made by using percentage and mean scores.
The study identified specific problems related to trainees, trainers, CSTCs
and management. Inadequacy of resources and little attention from MSTIPA
office were major factors challenging implementation of CSTCs programs.
From these the study concludes that the training program of CSTCs in Awi
zone was entangled with problems which most of them stemmed from lack
of emphasis and shortage of resource.
CSTCs seem to be incapable of meeting the interests of their communities.
There fore, it may require MSTIPA offices to make maximum efforts to
reverse the current situ ation.