Institutional Factors Affecting Techinical and Vocational Education and Training (Tvet) Trainees' Academic Performance in Benishangul Gumuz Regional State (Bgrs) • !
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to examine and investigate the major institutional factors affecting
rVEr trainees ' academic performance in the selected rVEr colleges of the Benishangul Gumuz
Regional State. rhe subjects of the study were 150 trainees, 30 trainers, 6 rVEr deans as well as 1
regional education bureau rVEr expert. ro meet this purpose both the primary and secondary data
sources as well as qualitative and quantitative data were used. Questionnaire, interviews,
observation checklists as well as document analysis were made. In this endeavor, a descriptive
survey research method was employed .Regarding the selections of the trainees and trainers a
stratified simple random sampling technique was used where as regarding the rVEr deans, regional
education Bureau rVEr experts and the two rVEr colleges a purposive sampling technique was
used. rhe study revealed that the trainees' academic performance was affected by many and
interrelated institutional factors. Consequently, it has indicated that the trainees' academic
performance was marked by lack of awareness on the part of the regional education Bureau rVEr
experts and the deans of the respective rVEr colleges. Based on the findings of the study, it is
suggested that the sampled rVEr colleges workshops and laboratories must be equipped with
adequate and necessary training materials and equipments, the rVEr curricula must be revised, the
trainer must get updating and refres her training in their specific fields of study, smooth contacts and
relationships must be conducted with the companies providing cooperative and in company training