In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with the Heavy-Ion Reaction 7Li + 82Se at 35 MeV
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Addis Ababa University
The developl)lent of powerfiJi heavy-ion accelerators and multi-detector systems had a
strong impact on y-ray spectroscopy. Via heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions one can
produce very high-spin nuclear states. The highly excited nuclei then emit generally a large
number of y-rays, and the spectJ1JJn measured is a combination of different nuclear reaction
channels. Consequently,y-ray singles spectra are too complicated to identifY transitions at
high spin which are usually weak. Therefore, multi-detector with high resolution, good
detector response and good efficiency are required to investigate such spectra. Some of the
multi-detector arrays are therefore discussed in this work.
With the help of multi-detector systems high-spin states of nuclei have been studied in
different mass regions. The mass A " 80 region is one of them where a number of
interesting features have been observed, and this work is also devoted to this region. Hence,
experimental and theoretical reviews of this mass region is included.
In the data analysis part a singles spectJ1JJTI obtained from an in-beam measurement at 90°
via the 'Li + "Se fusion-evaporation reaction at 35 MeV is analyzed with the software
package GANAAS. The energies and intensities ofy-lines of selected nuclei obtained from
GANAAS fits are compared with published data, and most of the lines that are accessible
fi'ol11 the singles spectrum are found to be in a good agreement with other results
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy