The Representation of Female Academic Staff in Selected Colleges of Addis Ababa University
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Addis Ababa University
The study was intended to assess the representation of female academic staff in selected
colleges of Addis Ababa University. This study is a qualitative research and was
conducted by using a case study method. Three colleges and one institute were selected
by purposive sampling method. From these 10 male leaders 10 female instructors, 1
female leader, 3 experts, and 60 female post graduate students totally 84 individuals were
included in the study through purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire, interview
and document review were used to gather data. Data analysis was made by frequency and
percentile using SPSS version 16 and through in depth discussion. The qualitative study
revealed that almost all of the respondents have said current female representation in
Addis Ababa University is very low. The majority of students and instructors reported
lack of competent female is the main factor for uneven representation of female in
academic staff. As it is reported by majority of instructors and students; lack of
opportunity, Lack of interested female, Low acceptance and expectation of society are
also the other factors for low representation. Social factors in relation to cultural
background,classroom management, family responsibility wifely hood, motherhood, and
psychological disturbances in relation to self-esteem, self-confidence, poor educational
background and low motivation were reported as cause of the less participation of women
in the role of educational engagements. The findings of this study have indicated that,
even though there was even female participation in primary and secondary schools, still
there are a limited number of female students in higher education post graduate programs
and as a result there is uneven representation of female instructors in the university. The
impact of this uneven participation of women is said to affect the development of the
society as well as the country at large in getting role model for the coming generation. It
is recommended that concerned bodies give close attention to the situation and take
action to alleviate female participation in academia and ensure gender equality. Policy
makers must design policies and strategies which could help to change the current low
representation of women in the university academia. Affirmative action and gender
mainstreaming should also be incorporated in hiring procedures of the university as much
as possible.
Key words: interest, uneven representation, gender audits, academia, mainstreaming
interest ;uneven representation; gender audits; academia; mainstreamin