Factors Affecting Immunization Coverage of Children 12-23 months old in Ejere District, West Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
Vaccination is one of the most powerful protective strategies to reduce disability, morbidity
and mortality among children under five years old. Existing evidence suggests that immunization
prevents 2 to 3 million deaths every year at globally. 1.5 million deaths of children could be
prevented if global vaccination coverage and outreach improved. Although global coverage rates
for the third dose of the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine (DTP3) had increased
substantially. The existing evidence also showed that 19.4 million children under 1 year of age
worldwide did not receive the three recommended doses of DTP in 2018, and 13.5 million children
in the same age group did not benefit from any vaccination. In Ethiopia, 60–80% of the health
problems were accounted by infectious and communicable diseases, about 16% of whose underfive mortality is attributable to vaccine-preventable diseases. The objective of this study used to
identify immunization coverage level and associated factors with it among the children12-23
months old in Ejere District, West Shewa Zone, Oromia region. The method of study was
conducted a community- based cross sectional study among 694 mothers who had children of aged
among 12-23 months from March to April 2020 in ten kebeles selected by clustering and simple
sampling technique from Ejere District, West Shewa Zone, Oromia region. Data were entered
and,cleaned using SPSS version 26. And also,data were analyszed using logistic regression.
Results show that 38.6% of the children were fully vaccinated, whereas 39.6% didn’t complete
their vaccination according to schedule for routine immunization, the 21.8% of children were not
took any immunization. Mothers who complete the attendance of ANC were 365(56.4 %) and
mothers who delivered at health service center during their last child were 282(43.6%). Married
mothers vaccinated their children were 2.813 times more than unmarried mother. The
governmental employment of mothers vaccinated their children were 4.17 (81%) times greater
than not governmental employment of mothers. As the conclusion derived from the result, the
vaccination coverage in the Ejere woreda (38%) is low compared to the national target (90%) and
global target (100%). And also, mothers` educational level, the mothers had information on
benefit of vaccinating the child, age of children, ANC follow up and institutional delivery are
significantly associated with in completion of the immunization coverage of children. The results
of this study clearly show the great importance for the EPI practice of the vaccination coverage of
children. Therefore, the woreda health office, Health Bureaus and Federal Ministry of Health
should be allocating specific budget, policy and strategy for EPI plan performance and need to
increase community awareness through health education about fully vaccination coverage of
Immunization coverage, vaccination, Children aged 12–23 months, Ejere,Oromia