Browsing by Author "Yntiso, Gebre(PhD"
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Item Causes and Consequences of Child Trafficking in Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peopl e's Region: The Case of Children Trafficked from Cheha Woreda, Gurage Zone to Addis Ababa(AAU, 2007-11) Assazenew, Asham; Yntiso, Gebre(PhDIn Ethiopia, internal child trafficking is a growing yet disregarded phenomenon. Children arc traffi cked from rural areas to urban areas. However, it is difficult to know the magnitude of the problem due to the absence of comprehensivc and reliabl e data as well as the in accessibility of the victims. Due to the increased preva lence of child traffickin g and the absence of comprehensive and reliable data on it in Ethiopia, the study has tried to assess th e factors that directly contribute to the vulnerabi~ity of children to trafficking, to exp lore the consequences of trafficking and to examine th e existing policy framework in Cheho Woreda (Ywezhe kebele, Buchach kebele, Emd ibir. Gubre), Gurage Zone and Add is Ababa . The assessment of the effects is made through qualitative methods. The fin din gs show th at there are three main interrelated fac tors (economic, soc io-cultural and ·i • demographi c) that are common among the trafficked children. In the research areas, most of th e chil dren are forcefully taken to Addis Abab,\ for th e jJurpose of engaging them as domestic workers to generate income to the household at an early age due to low family illcome. In addition to, the findin gs id entify frequent forms of exp loitation through the proccss of traffick ing in Addis Ababa such as labom, ph ysical, sex ual , and psychological cx ploitati on. But the most serious aspect of chil d expl oitati on is labour exploitation that c'( poses children to physical, sexual, and psychological -exploitation. Based on th e fi ndin gs, Ethiopia has not ratified the major UN and I LO in struments 'vvh ich are relevant to th e iss ue of trafficking in children. In add ition to th is, th ere is lack of a comprehensive na tional poli cy and a comprehensive law th at addresses th e issue of trafficking in chil dren. Moreover, the .,study find s out th at th ere are very f'cw relevant organi zations that have posit ively intervened in child traffi cking. Th e study ade LIse of the Convention again st the Transitional Organi zed Cri me also cal led th e Palermo Convention of traffi ckin g to describe th e cases of tra ffi cked children. Moreover, it \Vas relevant to use th e Gend er-responsive, Human Ri ghts. Mi gra tion B~\ cl f\ ppro()ches to describe some of the rac tors th at contribute to chil d traffi ck ing. Crimi ll al Ju stice, J-ium()n Ri ght Based Approa ches and the nati onal lega l framework arc rele\ ant to oppose th e consequences of traffi ckin g on trafficked children. The Mu ltidisc iplinary Aj)proa ch is also relevant th at dec ision makers should consider child ren ri ghts ill \ic lims o(·tr:1 ffick in gItem Inclusion of Cultural Elements in Primary School Curriculum: A Comparative Study of Government and Private Primary Schools in Addis Ababa(AAU, 2016-11) Belete, Belay; Yntiso, Gebre(PhDThe general objective of this research was to examine the cultural elements among private and government primary school curriculum by considering two schools as cases. Qualitative content analysis was used as a method to identifo the cultural contents in environmental science textbooks. The environmental science textbooks from grades one to four from both government and private were purposefully taken as data sources. It is because environmental science is expected to incorporate cultural issues in first cycle primary school level. In relation to this, the study also examined the implementation of medium of instruction and the role of co-curricular activities in both government and private primary schools for the promotion of culture to enrich the curriculum outside the classroom. In addition to content analysis, students, teachers and school principals in government and private schools and curriculum experts of AAEB reflected their knowledge through interview and FGD. The major results of this study revealed that the government environmental science textbooks from grades one to four reflected cultural elements, i. e. the textbooks have included cultural values, cultural materials, historical heritages and role models. But the grade-four textbook was not found free from some factual errors and gender bias. When we come to the private environmental science textbooks, they do not include these cultural elements with the exception of grade four. Moreover, the collected data show that citizens of the same nation are currently made to learn curricula developed in two different languages (Amharic in government schools and English in private schools). A desirable curriculum should include co-curricular activities. The collected data show two categories of co-curricular activities: clubs and days of special celebrations. In both government and private schools the clubs have been organized based on the AAEB club manual guide. Even though these clubs have cultural elements, they did nothing practical in both schools. From days of special celebrations, the data indicate that the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Day is prominently and commonly celebrated in both schools. However, practices that are not within the national context such as color day, crazy day, water day, and twins' day are celebrated in private school only. But such practices were not observed in a government school. Thus, both social settings are not uniform in terms of contents, medium of instruction and the ways of promoting culture (with the exception of nations and nationalities day) outside the class. Based on the findings of the study recommendations have been suggested.Item Socio Economic Impacts of Refugees on Host Communities: The case of Somali Refugees in Kebribeyah District, Eastern Ethiopia(AAU, 2006-06) Andarssa, Bizuayehu; Yntiso, Gebre(PhDThis th esis intend s to ex plore the soc io-econom ic impacts assoc iat ed ,,·it h th e presence o r massive inn ux o f refu gees and reli ef ope rati ons. The stu dy wa s co ndu cted in KehrihelU// distri ct or th e Soma li National Regional State (S I RS) in ea stern Ethi opia . KehrihcmIJ distri ct has been hostin g over 250,000 refugees in three camps since 1988. The prolonged presence of massive innux o f refugees and reli ef resources ha brought maj or changes on the ditTercnt aspec ts or th e hosts' li ves. This th esis, thus, looked at th e soc io-economic aspec ts o r the chan ges. To und erstand the maj or changes, the th esis used fo ur data co ll ecti on meth ods. These were review or lit erature, in-depth in tervi ew, foc us group discussion and direc t obse rvati on. The th esis employed va ri ous indic ators both in th e soc ial and economic spheres in ord er LO understand th e perceived soc io-cultural and economi c changes on th li ves or th e host communities. Accordingly, changes in th e soc io-c ultural spheres in clu de soc ial conni cts, erosion of customary marriage practi ce, changes in consumpti on pattern s, altitudes and behav iors. Positi ve ly, the common ethnicity pl ays a pivotal role in strengthening th e relati on between the hosts and th e refugees. Economi c changes, on th e oth er hand , refer to th e deve lopment and expansion or f/(/risheik and Kebribehay town, trade and business acti viti es and in frastructure. The va ri ous social and human capitals, which refu gees had brought with them, have contributed ror th e loca l development. Access to variolls fac ilities such as water, health , education and road is also created. Negati vely, the presence of reli ef operations and th e refugees has put some pressure on resources such as vegetation, water and pasture. This, in turn , affected th e pastora l and agro pastoral activiti es, and also led to rural-urban migrati on, brain drain from th e government organi zati on to the reli ef organi zati ons and hi gh costs of li ving.