Browsing by Author "Tinsae, Fikire"
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Item Ensuring the Rights of "Little Angels": Implementation of Socio-Economic Rights of Children With Disabilities in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2012-12) Tinsae, Fikire; D. Mezmur, Benyam (PhD)Recent reports evidence the existence of subsTantial nllmber of children with disabilities across the globe. the majority of which live in the developing world. Such children have been marginalized section of the society in all places mainly in socia-economic areas. During the pcm fO llr decades there have been developmenls in Ihe recognition of such facls al Ihe UN, regional and nalional levels. Accordingly, variolls conventions and declarations aimed al p/'O/1/otion and proleclion of Ihetr righls. including Ihe 2006 Convenlion on Ihe Rights of Persons wilh Disabilities are adopted. The Irealies provide for a range of socia-economic rights by mains/reaming their issues and deSigned various measures of implementation for efleclive realiZCilion of the rights. As a Stale Party to many oflhe trealies. this paper analyses the issue of impleme/1lalion of socio-economic righls of children wilh disab ilities in Ethiopia by evaluafing the Ethiopian experience vis-a-vis international standards set under the ratified trealies. The core assertion of the paper is that even if Elhiopia has ratified many of the trealies much has yet 10 be done to effectively realize socia-economic righls of children with disabilities in the country.Item Ensuring the Rights of “Little Angels”: Implementation of Socio-economic Rights of Children with Disabilities in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2012-12) Tinsae, Fikire; D. Mezmur, Benyam (PhD)Recent reports evidence the existence of substantial number of children with disabilities across the globe, the majority of which live in the developing world. Such children have been marginalized section of the society in all places mainly in socio-economic areas. During the past four decades there have been developments in the recognition of such facts at the UN, regional and national levels. Accordingly, various conventions and declarations aimed at promotion and protection of their rights, including the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are adopted. The treaties provide for a range of socio-economic rights by mainstreaming their issues and designed various measures of implementation for effective realization of the rights. As a State Party to many of the treaties, this paper analyses the issue of implementation of socio-economic rights of children with disabilities in Ethiopia by evaluating the Ethiopian experience vis-à-vis international standards set under the ratified treaties. The core assertion of the paper is that even if Ethiopia has ratified many of the treaties much has yet to be done to effectively realize socio-economic rights of children with disabilities in the country.