Browsing by Author "T eshome, Abebe"
Item The Scaffolding of Illegal Drugs Controlling and Prevention: A Case of the Drug Controlling Unit of the Federal Police Crime Prevention, at Bole International Airport(AAU, 2016-06) T eshome, Abebe; Kassaye, Demelash(PhDThis research aims at investigating the scq/lolding oj'illegal druRs prevention and controlling of the Federal Police Counter Narcotics ControffinR Division. at Bole International Airport. 'Ihe study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data pertinent to the stlldy were gathered through close-ended questionnaire. open-ended questionnaire. and key injhrmant interviews. Samples of the study were picked by using census method and plirposil'e s(/II/pling While quantitatively generated data were analyzed by using percentile. the rest collecledFolI7 open-ended questionnaire and key informants interviews have been thematicall)' intaweted the jindings o/the study indicate that illegal drugs trq/licking are steadily inCl'easinK and the air/)()rt IS highly manipulaled by experienced traffickers. Cocaine. cannaiJis. heroin. and methamphetamine drugs were caught while they were being trafficked The stud), also identified the need to strengthen the unit with skilled police officers. ethically esteemed police officers. ond advanced police technologies. The study could identifY the salience ofj()rminK cooperation 11 'itli internal and external stakeholders having great role to stop the epidemic oj'druRs. Finolly. unskilled and inadequate officers, absence oj' advanced technologies. minimum sentence j()r imprisonment oflraffickers and less attention by the Federal Police Commission ore di\c()l'ered os challenges to improve the efficiency of the unit 0/ Counter Narcotics Cont/'Ol/illR Dil·ision.