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Item Mental Skills Training Program Implementation and Its Impact on Performance Enhancement among Long Distance Runners in Ethiop ia(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Shishay, Fitsumbrhan; Lemma, Girma (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess the Mental Skills Training Program Implementation and Its impact on Perfo/mance Enhancement among long distance runners of Ethiopia. The methodology employed was descriptive study method. 1 00 athletes were selected from 10 firs t division long distance athletics sport clubs. And the athletes from each club were selected by simple random method of sampling. A Ques tionnaire with a total of 25 questions was distributed to the sampled athletes and was retumed after properly filled. Focus group discussion interviews also conducted with 30 alillpres who were purposefUlly selected from 5 clubs of the 10 athletics clubs of reseu rch sample. 10 coaches of selected clubs and five lecturers of sport science from AAU & KeTE were also participating in the interview. The res ults of the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive s tatistics; frequency counts, percentage, mean, and grand mean and simple narratives were used as data analysis techniques. The results of the s tudy indicates, there is a problem related to mental skills training program in giving emphasis to it parallel with the physical aspect of sport training by coaches. And the coaches are not aware about MST. Moreover the re is no efficient use of MST by the athletes due to less support from their coaches. This is firstly due to lacle of awareness and attitude of the coaches and secondly the sport administrators' low attitude and less emphasis to the MST program. Based on these findings, the possible solutions are the lack of awareness and a ttitudes about MST by coaches and sport. administrators should be changed through consistent seminars and awareness creating trainings. The researcher concludes that the re is lacle of awareness and attitude about the MST program implementation and its impact in performance improvement. Due to the failure of unde rstanding how to implement MST program, the athletes fail to solve different psychological injuries and problems which happen during/ after training or competition.Item Mental Skills Training Program Implementation and Its Impact on Performance Enhancement among Long Distance Runners in Ethiop ia f(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Shishay, Fitsumbrhan; Lemma, Girma (Ass. Prof.)The purpose of this study was to assess the Mental Skills Training Program imple m e ntation and It s Impact on Performance Enhancement among long dis tance runne rs of Ethiopia. The me thodology e mployed was descriptive s tudy m e thod. 1 00 athletes w e re selected from 10 firs t division long distance athletics sport clubs. And the athletes from each club were selected by simple random method of sampling. A Questionnaire with a to tal of 25 ques tions was distributed to the s ample d athletes and was returned after p roperl y filled . Focus group discussion in te rviews also conducte d with 30 athletes who were purposefully selected from 5 clubs of the 10 athletics clubs of research sample. 10 co a ch es of s e lected clubs and five le cture rs of s port science from AAU & KCTE w e re als o participating in the intervie w. The results of the questi o nnaire w e re analyzed u s ing d escriptive statistics; frequency counts, pe rcentage, mean, and grand mean and s imple narratives were used as data a nalysis techniques. The results of the study indicates, the re is a proble m relate d to mental s kills training program in giving emph asis to it parallel w ith the physical aspect of sport training by coaches. And the coaches are not aware a b out MST. Mor eover there is no efficient u se of MS T by the a thletes due to less support from their coaches. This is firstly due to lack of awareness and attitude of the coa ches and secondly the s port administrators' low attitude and le ss emphasis to the MST program. Based on these findings , the possibl e s olutions are the lack of awareness and a tt itudes about MST by co aches and s port adminis trators should b e c hange d through cons istent seminars and awareness creating trainings . The re searche r concludes that the re is lade of aware n ess and attitude about the MST program implementation and it s ,:mpn cl in pelform an ce improve m e nt. Due to the failure of understanding how to impl eme nt MST prog ra m , the athle tes fail to solve different psychological injurie s and pro blems which happen during/ after training or competition.