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Item Assessment of Utilization and Determinants of Antenatal and Delivery Care Services in Bahir Dar Special Zone: A Community Based Study(Addis Ababa University, 2008-07) Shegaw, Tarik; Belete, Habtamu (PhD)A large number of women are dying due to factors related to pregnancy and child birth in developing countries. Antenatal care and delivery care is potentially the most effective health in tervention for prevent ing maternal morbidity and mortality particu larly in Ethiopia where the general hea lth status of women is poor. However, the uti lization of anten atal care and deli very care IS low. In light of this consideration, a community based cross-sect ional study on the ut il ization and determinant of antenatal and delivery care services was conducted in Bahir Dar special zone, Amhara National Regional State. The study was undertaken on samp le of 660 women who give bi rth in the last fi ve years preceding the survey. Quantitative as well as qu alitative clata co ll ection method was employed. The study fo und that the prevalence of delivery and antenatal care service utili zat ion was abo ut 46% and 32% respect ively. The bi vari ate and the multivari ate ana lys is showed signi ficant associat ion between ut ili zat ion of the serv ices and socio-cultural and demographic variab les. Residence, decision-making power, media, awareness, marital status and education has showed signi ficant association with the ut ili zation of antenatal care. Ut ilization of safe ch ild del ivery care was also significantly assoc iated with parity, deci sion-making power, med ia, age at last birth , awareness and ed ucat ion. Some of the rea sons for not using the service were responsibility in the household , absence of serious il lness. financia l constraint, absence of awareness, long wait ing time to get the services, bad ex perience with the health care system and di stance to the health care system. In co nclu sion , utili zation of antenatal and de livery care services was positi ve ly affected with edu cat ion, women deci sion-mak ing power, exposure to media, and awareness about the benetit of the se rvice. Moreover, antenata l care was found to have a positive effect in utili zing deli very care. Based on the above findin gs, it has been recommended that planners must give attention to mothers in creating awareness about its essentiality and positive attitude towards the service by increasing its quality. Bes id es, enhancing women decision-making power and th eir educational level has been suggested to make women use the matern ity care serv ices.