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Item Assessement of Knowledge and Practice of Obstetric Care Providers Toward Active Management of Third Stage of Labor at Public Health Centers in the Towns of Finfine Area Special Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2017-06) Nigussie, Dejene; Debebe, Finot (Assistant professor)Introduction: Postpartum hemorrhage is the most common leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide a nd m ost of the de ath i s i n de veloping c ountries i ncluding E thiopia. G lobally, i t i s responsible for more than 25% of all maternal death and this proportion is higher in sub-Saharan Africa. P ostpartum he morrhage c an b e m inimized a nd pr evented b y a pplication of a pr otocol known as active management of third stage of labor. Proportion of deliveries assisted by a skilled birth at tendant and antenatal c are co verage h ave b een u sed as a k ey proxy i ndicator f or monitoring global p rogress to wards d ecreasing m aternal mo rtality. However, t hese t wo indicators may not reflect the content or quality of the care provider. Objective; The o bjective o f t his s tudy i s t o as sess K nowledge an d p ractice o f o bstetric ca re providers t oward active m anagement of t hird s tage of l abour (AMTSL) at h ealth c enters o f Finfine area special zone of Oromia regional state, Ethiopia from April to May 2017 Methods and materials; Institutional ba sed d escriptive c ross s ectional s tudy de sign w as implemented. Whole health cen ters i n s elected t owns w ere i ncluded to th e s tudy w ith 118 obstetric care providers from all health centers. Interviewer-administered structure questionnaire and observation by using observational check list was employed. Data was entered using Epidata V.3.1 and exported to SPSS version 21.0 f or statistical analyses. Descriptive statistical analysis was u sed to p resent d ata w hile lo gistic r egression w ere us ed t o de termine a ssociation of independent variables with practice of obstetrics care providers. Results: Adequate know ledge on A MTSL was a chieved b y 40.7% of ob stetrics care providers while good practice on AMTSL was achieved by 18.6% of them. Sex, pre or in service training, access to reading materials and knowledge levels of obstetrics care providers were among factors that affects their practice on AMTSL. Conclusions and recommendations: The overall know ledge and pr actice of obs tetric c are providers on A MTSL in the present study were not satisfactory. In views of the findings of this study, it imp lies th at th e p ractice o f o bstetric c are p roviders w as mu ch lo wer th an th eir knowledge of AMTSL. The investigator calls for immediate interventions. Key Word; Knowledge, p ractice, A ctive m anagement o f t hird s tage of l abour, pos tpartum hemorrhage,EthiopiaItem Causes of Conflict Between Teachers and Principals and Its Management Strategies In Government Primary Schools of Akaki Woreda, oromia Special Zone Surround Finfine(AAU, 2020-06) Nigussie, Dejene; Fetene Geleta Gsk, SoressaThe purpose of this study was to examine the cause of conflict between teachers and principals, and its management strategies in government primary schools of Akaki woreda.It attempted to identify teachers and principals’ view on conflict and the strategic used to manage conflict. To attain the objective of the study, both quantitative and qualitative data were employed. The study was carried out on ten primary schools that were selected using random sampling technique. The study involved 197 respondents from among teachers, principals, supervisors, head of woreda education office and chairperson of woreda teacher’s association.Questionnaire, interview, and document analysis were the instrument of data collection.The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 26 was used to analyze the data obtained by quantitative techniques. Specifically, descriptive statistics (frequency and percent /mean and standard deviation) was taken from this tool. Based on the result of analysis majority of teachers have seen as conflict as bad and should be avoided while principals viewed conflict as good when managed effectively. The result of the study revealed that conflict has both negative and positive outcome on the organization.The major causes of conflict between teachers and principals in primary schoolwassituational factors, poor communication between teachers and principals, lack of capacity for job, decision making process by principal, lack of participatory decision making and lack of conflict management skill of principals that contribute to creation of conflict in primary school. The strategies used to handle conflict in primary school were avoiding, competing, compromising, accommodating, and collaborating. PTA committee were striving to compromise, mediate and negotiate two parts by discussing on the issues, use of disciplinary committees, intervention of the school /woreda/ authority and elders in the community andItem Causes of Conflict Between Teachers and Principals and Its Management Strategies In Government Primary Schools of Akaki Woreda, oromia Special Zone Surround Finfine(AAU, 2020) Fetene Geleta Gsk, Soressa; Nigussie, DejeneThe purpose of this study was to examine the cause of conflict between teachers and principals, and its management strategies in government primary schools of Akaki woreda.It attempted to identify teachers and principals’ view on conflict and the strategic used to manage conflict. To attain the objective of the study, both quantitative and qualitative data were employed. The study was carried out on ten primary schools that were selected using random sampling technique. The study involved 197 respondents from among teachers, principals, supervisors, head of woreda education office and chairperson of woreda teacher’s association.Questionnaire, interview, and document analysis were the instrument of data collection.The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 26 was used to analyze the data obtained by quantitative techniques. Specifically, descriptive statistics (frequency and percent /mean and standard deviation) was taken from this tool. Based on the result of analysis majority of teachers have seen as conflict as bad and should be avoided while principals viewed conflict as good when managed effectively. The result of the study revealed that conflict has both negative and positive outcome on the organization.The major causes of conflict between teachers and principals in primary schoolwassituational factors, poor communication between teachers and principals, lack of capacity for job, decision making process by principal, lack of participatory decision making and lack of conflict management skill of principals that contribute to creation of conflict in primary school. The strategies used to handle conflict in primary school were avoiding, competing, compromising, accommodating, and collaborating. PTA committee were striving to compromise, mediate and negotiate two parts by discussing on the issues, use of disciplinary committees, intervention of the school /woreda/ authority and elders in the community and colleagues are some effective ways used to resolve conflicts in the woreda.