Browsing by Author "Negassie, Selamawit"
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Item A Comparative Studise of the Philosophy of Mekonnen Endalekachew and Kebede Michael as reflected in their Literary Works(Addis Ababa University, 1994-06) Negassie, SelamawitThe principal purpose of this research is to identify the philosophies of life that are evident in the works of Mekonnen Endalekachew and Kebede Michael . While Western literature is very well-known for its development in the expression of philo s ophy, it is difficult t o tell what the state of Ethiopian li terature is with regard to philosophy. It could not be known for there is, unlike in the West, no extensive c ritical study aimed at the discovery of the use of philo s ophy within literary works. In orde r to change this trend, this research is designed to look into the phi losophies of Mekonnen Endalekachew and Kebede Michael. It has been observed from personal studies that there a re philosophical elements in their works . In addition to this, since they are contemporaries and representatives of writers of the Post~ar period, they are selected as targe t s of the study . An effort has been made not o~ _ y to identify the dominant philosophies of the writers, bu~ a lso to inves tigate the similarity and difference that ex~st between the two wri ters' works . Following this, an atte~pt is made to detect the kind of relationship that is f ound ce=ween the philosophy and the form of the literary works. Whether or not the philosophy has affected the form of the literary works in terms of characteri zatJ.o!! , f,'lct 2!!d !Oe t ting will be the concern of this study . The main find i ng of the resear:Cl is that the re is a striking similarity between the p~ilosophy of Mekonnen Endale kachew and Kebede Michael . In fact it could possibly be said that there is no difference at all, apart from the use a nd selection of the raw ma t e r ial . Unlike their contemporaries who dea l with t he i mme d iat e social, e conomic and pol i tica l si tua tions , they have been preoccupied with the d i s cussion o f death , li f e , fa t e, ti:ne , freedom and human nature . As far as the form of t he i r wor k is concerned , it is noted that there is a rel a tion in that the philosophy shapes the form a good dea l . Since the works are didactic, what the writers aim at solely is the transmission of t heir philosophy ; thereby shaping the chara:ters and the p lots in such a way that the works reveal the ~ ~ messages explicitly