Browsing by Author "Molla, Zenebe"
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Item Socio Demographic Factors Affecting antenatal Care Service Utilization among Women in Ofa Woreda, Wolaita Zone, SNNPR(Addis Ababa Univerisity, 2011-04) Molla, Zenebe; Dibaba, Yohannes(PhD)In Elhiopia the level o/maternal mortality and morbidity are among the highest in the world This is attributed to among other/actors, non lise o/modern health care service by women in Ethiopia. According to the 2005 EDHS, more than seven in ten mothers didn 't receive ANC al all. There/o re, the objective o/this study 1I'as to examine/actors influencing ANC services utili:ation in a/a Woreda, Wolaita zone, SNNPR. A comlllunity based cross-sect ional survey was condllcted in a/a Woreda from JanuC/ly 16- FebrtlC/lY 312011. A multi stage sampling technique was used to select the study popuLation one from urban and the other /ourfrom rural. The strtlctured interview questionnaire was administered to the total 0/620 study units so as to collect relevant data. Chi-square test and Logistic regression Analyses were done using SPSs. The result a/the study reveaLed that ANC service utilization in the study area was 33%. HOlrever, ji'DInthose who allended ANC service, 58 % started ANC visit during the second & third trimester 0/ pregnancy. Residence, A1aternal education, intenseness o/pregnancy, women 's occupation, marital status, and household size o/womenllsually live were major socia demographic predictors 0/ ANC service utilization in the area. ANC utilization is/or under any acceptable standard in the study area. Among the attendants Signijicanl proportion were not initiated the visit infirstlrimesler. For increasing ANC service utili:ation; expanding contraceptive choices that enable mothers to find a suitable & more effective method, expanding intensijied maternal health care programs particularly in rural areas, awareness raising campaigns and providing education to girLs should be emphasize.