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Item Classroom Management Practices in Primary Schools of Awi Zone in Amhara National Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Kebede, Getachew; Woldegerima, Hailesellassie (Assistant Pro fessor)The plll]Jose of Ihis sludy was 10 assess Ihe classroom managemenl praclices of leachers in firsl cycle primm)' schools of Awi Zone in AmllOra Nalional Regional Slale. More specifically. Ihe Silldy was conducled 10 idenli(jl lhe majorfaclors Ihal affecled Ihe implementalion of classroom managemenl; and 10 suggesl possible Solulions Ih cII could help 10 overcome the problems. To conducl Ihe sludy a descriplive survey melhod was employed in order 10 oblain perlinenl iufol"lnaliou concerning the current status of classroom mallagement practices ill the zone. Five research questions aboul faclors affecling classroom management praClices of leachers and Ihe leachers' experience in Ihe classroom management were freated. Three main dolo collecting illstruments questionnaire since the sample size was large, classroom observation fa see the actual practices of classroom management ill classrooms and focus group discussion as il is suilablefor use wilh children were nsed. Alllhe 'woredas ' (N=5) and Ihe cily adminislralion (N=J) were included inlhe sludy. Oul ofllVo lumdredfifiY- llVO primmy schools in Ihe zone, Iwenly five schools were selecled by quola and slralified rondom sampling from each 'woreda' and Ihe cily admin islralion. In Ihis sludy all available firsl cycle primm)' school leachers (N=243), principals of alllhe sample schools (N=25) aud c1usler supervisors (N= J4) were il/volved il/ fillil/g queslionl/aires. Regardil/g Ihe classroom observaliol/ len classrooms rol/doml)' selecled from all 'woredas' alld the cily administration were observed. And focus group disclfssions were held with olle hundred Iwel/ly sludenls (N= I 20) of len schools Ihal were selecled by slralified raudom samplil/g. The dala collecled Ihrough Ihe queslionnaire were al/alyzed quanlilalively using frequency, percenlage, mean, chi-square al/d I-Iesl. The dolo collecled Ihrough classroom observaliol/ and focus group discussiol/ were qualilatively discussed. The resulls oblained from Ihe sludy showed Ihal Ihere exisled, lack of lraining of leachers and Ihe leachers' il/compelence 10 effeclively manage Iheir classrooms, shortage of classroom facilil ies and inslmclionalmalerials and I he un col/duciveness of the classrooms il/ the firsl cycle primOJ)' schools of Ihe zOl/ e. Based on Ihe findings and Ihe discussions Ihe following conclusiol/s and recommel/daliol/s were I/wde. It was concluded Ihal less alienI ion has been given by aulhorilies of educalion and Ihe communily 10 fulfil! Ihe classroom malerials al/d facililies Ihal could help leachers 10 effectively illlplemenl classroolll lIIallagelllenl cOlllpol/ellls. Besides il IVas cOllcluded Ihal Ihe woreda educalion office alld Ihe Regiol/al Educalioll Bureau had lIIuch reliallce 011 Ihe pre-service lraillillg of leachers alld they did 1101 lake Ihe illifiative 10 train teachers 011 classroom management. 171e recommendations inelude lite need for cOII?i/H/Ous Irainillg of leacileES on....classroQIII lIIallagelllellt alld Ihe lIeed for fuljilllll elll of Ihe lIecessar)" classroom facil ities alld instructional materials to the classrooms.