Browsing by Author "Ebrahim, Abdu"
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Item Claimed Causal Factors And The Associated Societal Attitude Towards Mental Retardation01 0'(Addis Ababa Universty, 2004-06) Ebrahim, Abdu; f Omar, Yusu(PhD)This study exao1ines sOlne clain1.ed causal faetol"s of m ental retardation , the associated societal attitude tOW31'ds m e ntal I'etardation, and its impact on the support sys terns for persons with tTlenta i retardation in th e City Administt'ation of Addis Ababa. The study includes both quantitative and qualitative reseal'eh d es ign s. A SelfReport Questionnaire was prepared and administered fOl' 142 participants in the three s h'ata (50 parents, 42 special needs teachers , and 50 ,'egu!ar e l e mentary school teachers) for th e quantitative int erpr e tation of the data . The data was analyzed th ,'ough the application of both descriptive ( percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential CANOVA, Chi-square (xZ), Standar di zed Residuals (R) and C,'amer's Phi (0)) s tati s tics, The specific obj ective of the qualitative study was to understand the qual ity, quantity. current situation, and future pros pects of the support' systems for pel'son s with mental retardation, It \vas a lso helpful to unders tand some c laimed causal factors and s uppl e ments other findings , Thus, in the qualitative m e thod , indi v idual inte,'view was conducted \vith 22 participants (7 leaders of special needs unit, 1 leader of ENA/ MRCY, 5 school directors, 6 special needs teachers. and 3 government officials) whil e only e ight (4 special needs teacher s, and 4 parents) participants were included in th e focu s group discussions, A ll the support providing organizations, schools , centers, and units were also visited by the researcher, The main points gathered through thi s method wer'e explained and discussed briefly. The researcher found that 80 percent of the total participants were socially interactive (65 percent hi g h ly and 15 percent occasionally socially interactive), while the ,'est 20 percent of them wcr-e non-socially interactive individua ls with pers ons with mental retardation_ Of a ll the participants all special needs teachel's, 90 percent of parents, and 54 pel'cent of regular school teachers have social interaction with these people. More interesting was that significant differences were observed both in the type and frequency of social interaction among the total participants based on their relationship (parent, s pecial needs teachers, and regular school teache r) and religious affil iation, The causal factors for mental retardation found to be unknown for most parents of children with mental I-etardatioll. Based on the ranking of all the three groups of participants th e organic/physi o logical related causes, accident, and cultural-familial factors "vere chosen in that respective o rder. The causal factors related to God, s uperna l untl beliefs and evi l spirits got the l a s t pt'jot-ity by e :'l. c h of the th" ee groups and their curnul a tive participation. A ll the threc groups of participants have shown positive general attitude toward s mental retardation and p ersons with mental retardation, There were no significant g roup d ifferences on the gen e ral and the four specific dimens ion s of attitude base d on theil' ty pe of "elationship and types and levels of social interaction, A lthough they have shown good acceptance of the ri g hts of these community and understands b e ttel' the mediation of mental r e tardation, they have shown general negative belief and social rejection . The effects of all the four biog raphic and socioeconomic variables (sex, age, I'elig ion, and educational level) both on the general and specific dim.en s ion s of th e parti c ipants ' attitude were insi g nificant, The current situation of the s upport systems for children with mental retardation found to be less organized, poor, and l imite d. The rate of school attendance, catchments, and Inaintenall.ce on the student population 'was very low, Hig h er rat e of absence, repetition and dropouts "ve re recorded in the different special needs units . Lack of appropriate school facilities and Inatel'iais, trained human power, budget, awa,'eness and orientation were also the major setbacks on the developmen ts of th e support systen1s. Mo"c worst was that the limited and unevenly distributed support systems increases the burde ns of fami ly melubers of children with m en tal retardation and facilitate the absence, repetition and dropout rates among these population. Thus, social integ ration was the priol' recomme ndation. It should b e practiced through a\vareness and advocacy progran1 s through Ine dia. Opening of small centers In every s m a l l city administration stratum (kebel e , for exan1ple) s hould be implernented. This will lead to the en v i s ion e d social integ ration , eventually of inclusion ,Item Determinants of Customer Satisfaction (in The Case of Nile Insurance Company S.C)(A.A.U, 2021-09) Ebrahim, Abdu; Abitie, Asres(PhD)This research is entitled as determinants of customer satisfaction in Nile insurance company S.C. The purpose of this study was to identify major determinants of customer satisfaction in c company. The study used Explanatory research design to check whether there is relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables. The target population of the study was both employees and customers of the Nile insurance company. Employees are included as respondents because they are expected to have clue about major areas of customer complaints and bottle necks in the service delivery process. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 152 samples and data is collected from both groups using close ended questionnaires. Primary data is used mainly and secondary data were also referred when necessary. The collected data is organized, summarized and analyzed using quantitative descriptive, and multiple linear regression analysis method. The findings of the study showed that premium rate, indemnification, and responsiveness are the most key determinants of customer satisfaction in Nile insurance company and based on these findings possible solutions are recommended to the insurance companyItem Self-Disclosure Problems Among Sexual Partners Living With Hiv / Aids(Addis Ababa Universty, 2009-06) Ebrahim, Abdu; ChaJchisa, Dessalegn(PhD)T hi s s tu'd y~ e x a nl_in es self-disclosure proble lns a lnong-sexua--:J p a l't n e l's li v ing w ith H I V I ALBS;;c~110 iu-e hospital clients in City GovernITlent- 0j;Addis Aba b a . I n t hi s s tudy tlle e xpe 6 e nce s of HIV positive status, the' -nafure-DT self di s closUl-e, the Fe aS0 n,s ·:".ror selF -d -i s c I'0Stto["~aH-d·~=rloff·~se I f disc I os uI:~~~ili~en e;fjts ble I-is k s o f-=se l£.-disc.l osure, types and levels of sero-p.ositiye~ -st a tus s e lf-discl os ure "e la t e d di s cuss ion s a nd their associatio n with the clients' socio-de nlog r a phic v;:lI-ia bles vve l'e s tudi e d . T h e s tudy a pplied qua ntita tive research d e signs . Little qualita tive rll e thod s vve r e a lso inj ect e d t o s upp lernent the d a ta , A Self-Re pol't Questionna il-e w as pl-e p a l'ed a nd a dnlini s t e l-e d f o r 300 participants who w e l'e clients o f Blac k Lion a nd Zewditu M e nl o ,-i a l Hospitals, proportiona lly, f OI' the quantita tive inte rpl-e t a tion o r the data, T he qua litative data was a lso coll e cted through Intervi e w g uide s, n a tu,'a l obse l' v a ti o n s, visits and doculne nt ana ly s es, The d a t a w e l-e ana lyzed thl'oug h the a ppl ication of both descriptive (pe rcentage, lnean , a nd sta nda rd d e vi a ti o n) a n d infel-e ntial ( C hi-squa re (X2) statistics , T h e I-e s e al-che l' found that froln all the participa nts lnore tha n half of th e n. had known their sel'o-pos itive status between 1 to 5 y e ars period, 64,3 p e rcent were s t a l't e d using ART while 27,3 percent did not start ART for diffe r e nt I'easons ( 5 6 , 1 p e rcent did n o t I'ecommended by doctors and the rest 4 3 ,9 p e rcent o f them n e ed s on.e nl o ,'e c ounseling, tinle for deci s ion and acces s to e noug h a nd nutriti o u s food s ) , 72.7 percent knew theil' I-IIV positive status thl'ou g h nl e dical ,'e la t e d testing, 64 p e l'cent of the total participants (N= 192) w e re se lf-di sc losed theil' se l'o-pos itiv e s tatus to their sexua l partnel-(s) (43 ,7 5 pel'ce nt of th e n. di s cl osed the sa nl e d a y since diagnosed, fOl' exa nlple) v.,rhile 3 6 pel'cent o f th e n. (N = 108 ) did n o t yet to do so, Among the participants who di s close d theil' se l'o p os itiv e s tatu s th e o ppol-tunity to utilize the bene fits a nd refra ins fl'o nl the risks o t- se lf disclos ul-e vv ere found to be plentiful. Moreover, o nly a qual-te r of p a ni c ip a nts I'e v e al e d higher level of sero-positive status self disclosul'e I'e la ted discu ss ions with th e il- sexua l partners, while about half of th e ln have lesser le v e l o f di sc u s sion a nd the I-est 24,7 percent of then. h a ve no discuss ion o n th e iss u e . In gen e l'al, a ll th e p a nicipants wel-e found to b e less f reque ntly di sc u ssant o f ' th e il' se l-o-pos iriv e s tatus to their sexual pal'tn e l' ( s ), In line with th ese, nl a ,' ital s ta tu s h as s ig nif'ic a nt gl-oup diff'erence in the le vel s o f self di s cl osu,-e ,-e la t e d di s cuss io n s, w hil e e thnicity has significa nt gl-o up difTe l-ence in the t y p es of se lf d is cl os u,'e ,'e la t e d di s cuss ions, Whel-eas, a vel' a ge Inonthly fa n. i Iy in C0l11 e. se lf di s cl os ll,-e a nd tinl e pel'iod for self disclosul'e have s hown s ig nifi ca nt g r o llp ddlc ,-e nces b o th in the types and levels of self di sc lo s ure relate d di sc u ss io n s. O n ave ,'age , a b o ut 7 0 p e l'cent and 60 pel'cent of the pal,ti c ip a nts agl-eed o n ,-ea s o n s fo r se lf-dis c loslIl-c a nd self-non di s closul'e, res p e ctive ly , Thus, th e ,-easo n s fOIsc lr-di sc los u,'e ;lnd se lf-non disclos ure u sed in thi s s p ec ific s tudy co ule! se ,'ve as "e a so n s hoth ,n it CI11 S 01' g roup le vel s that ca n b e u sed in s tud y ing s inl il a ,n:- se~ l, ' c h es . Thus. r;lC i I itat i ng se lf d is closul-e relate d di sc u ss ion s a nl o n g se x u ;ll p ;lI'tn e ,-s I i v in g , v ith I II V I A lOS s hall have ,'esona n ce effec t a n d ' .... /a s thc p"i o ,," C co'llnlcllci;ttioll . It s h o uld be pI'ornote d a nd sca le d up thl'oug h p ,-o fess io nal p ost test co uns eling sc rvic es, pl-ope l- infonl.ation disse nlinati o n p,-og,-anl s a nd ~ 1",/ a' "C n ess a nd ~ld vocacy pl'ogran. s thl-ou g h n. e di a. Thi s will ease se l-f di sc lo s u,'e I ( ),- th c b e tt c ,' pn~ve lltion of the s pread o f HIV infe cti o n a nl o n g scx u a l p a nne ,'s livin g w ith HIV/ AI DSItem Self-Disclosure Problems Among Sexual Partners Living With HIV / AIDS: the Case of Hospital Clients in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Ebrahim, Abdu; ChaJchisa, Dessalegn (PhD)this study examines self-disclosure problems among-sexual partners living with HIV/AIDS who are hospital clients in city government of Addis Ababa . In this study the experience of HIV positive status, the nature of self disclosure, the reason for self disclosure and non-self disclosure, the benefit and probable risk of self disclosure, types and levels of sero-positive status self disclosure related discussions and their association with the clients' socio-demographic variables were studied. The study applied quantitative research designs . Little qualitative methods were also injected to supplement the data, A Self-Report Questionnaire was prepared and administered for 300 participants who were clients of Black Lion and Zewditu Memorial Hospitals, proportionally , for the quantitative interpretation of the data. The qualitative data was also collected through Interview guides, natural observations, visits and document analyses, The data were analyzed through the application of both descriptive (percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential ( Chi-square (X2) statistics. The researcher found that from all the participants more than half of them had known their sero-positive status between 1 to 5 years period, 64.3 percent were started using ART while 27.3 percent did not start ART for different reasons ( 56,1 percent did not recommended by doctors and the rest 43.9 percent of them need some more counseling, time for decision and access to enough and nutritious foods ), 72.7 percent knew their HIV positive status through medical related testing, 64 percent of the total participants (N= 192) were self-disclosed their sero-positive status to their sexual partner(s). (43.7 5 percent of them disclosed that some day since diagnosed, for example) while 36 percent of them, (N = 108 ) did not yet to do so, Among the participants who disclosed their sero-positive status the opportunity to utilize the benefits and refrains from the risks of self disclosure were found to be plentiful. Moreover, only a quarter of participants relieved higher level of sero-positive status self disclosure related discussions with their sexual partners, while about half of them have lesser level of discussion and the rest 24,7 percent of then. have no discussion on the issue. In general all the participants were found to be less frequently discussant of' their sero-positive status to their sexual partner (s), In line with these, marital status has significant group difference in the levels of self disclosure related discussions, while ethnicity has significant group difference in the types of self disclosure related discussions, Whereas, average monthly family income. self disclosure and time period for self disclosure have shown significant group differences both in the types and levels of self disclosure related discussions. On average, about 70 percent and 60 percent of the participants agreed on reasons for self-disclosure and self-non disclosure, respectively, Thus, the reasons for self-disclosure and self-non disclosure used in this specific study could serve as reasons both in item or group levels that can be used in studying similar researches. Thus. facilitating self disclosure related discussions among sexual partners living with HIV/AIDS shall have resonance effect and scaled up through professional post test counseling services, proper- information dissemination programs and awareness and advocacy programs through media. This will ease self disclosure for further prevention of the spread of HIV infection among sexual partners living with HIV/ AIDS.Item Self-Disclosure Problems Among Sexual Partners Living with HIV/AIDS: the Case of Hospital Clients in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Ebrahim, Abdu; ChaJchisa, Dessalegn (PhD)this study examines self-disclosure problems among-sexual partners living with HIV/AIDS who are hospital clients in city government of Addis Ababa . In this study the experience of HIV positive status, the nature of self disclosure, the reason for self disclosure and non-self disclosure, the benefit and probable risk of self disclosure, types and levels of sero-positive status self disclosure related discussions and their association with the clients' socio-demographic variables were studied. The study applied quantitative research designs . Little qualitative methods were also injected to supplement the data, A Self-Report Questionnaire was prepared and administered for 300 participants who were clients of Black Lion and Zewditu Memorial Hospitals, proportionally , for the quantitative interpretation of the data. The qualitative data was also collected through Interview guides, natural observations, visits and document analyses, The data were analyzed through the application of both descriptive (percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential ( Chi-square (X2) statistics. The researcher found that from all the participants more than half of them had known their sero-positive status between 1 to 5 years period, 64.3 percent were started using ART while 27.3 percent did not start ART for different reasons ( 56,1 percent did not recommended by doctors and the rest 43.9 percent of them need some more counseling, time for decision and access to enough and nutritious foods ), 72.7 percent knew their HIV positive status through medical related testing, 64 percent of the total participants (N= 192) were self-disclosed their sero-positive status to their sexual partner(s). (43.7 5 percent of them disclosed that some day since diagnosed, for example) while 36 percent of them, (N = 108 ) did not yet to do so, Among the participants who disclosed their sero-positive status the opportunity to utilize the benefits and refrains from the risks of self disclosure were found to be plentiful. Moreover, only a quarter of participants relieved higher level of sero-positive status self disclosure related discussions with their sexual partners, while about half of them have lesser level of discussion and the rest 24,7 percent of then. have no discussion on the issue. In general all the participants were found to be less frequently discussant of' their sero-positive status to their sexual partner (s), In line with these, marital status has significant group difference in the levels of self disclosure related discussions, while ethnicity has significant group difference in the types of self disclosure related discussions, Whereas, average monthly family income. self disclosure and time period for self disclosure have shown significant group differences both in the types and levels of self disclosure related discussions. On average, about 70 percent and 60 percent of the participants agreed on reasons for self-disclosure and self-non disclosure, respectively, Thus, the reasons for self-disclosure and self-non disclosure used in this specific study could serve as reasons both in item or group levels that can be used in studying similar researches. Thus. facilitating self disclosure related discussions among sexual partners living with HIV/AIDS shall have resonance effect and scaled up through professional post test counseling services, proper- information dissemination programs and awareness and advocacy programs through media. This will ease self disclosure for further prevention of the spread of HIV infection among sexual partners living with HIV/ AIDS.