Browsing by Author "Desalegn Tekle"
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Item Liquidify and Bank Performance of Ethiopian Banking Industry(A.A.U, 2020-03) Desalegn Tekle; Habtamu, Berhanu (PhD)Eeahhy and Folitable bankt can contribute immensely b the development of fnancial seclor in particulor and the counlry's deltelopmenl in generul. The study employed autoregrcssi|e distributed lag (ARDL) to examine the relationship and behavior of liquidity and pro/ilability of the commercial banking induslry in Ethiopia. Quarterly consolidated lnancial statements lhat co|er the period 1998 Q3- 2017 Q4 v'ere usedlor this stuiy. Augme ed Dickey Fuller (ADF) vasusedto test for unit rcot. In attempt to draw wlid conclusion, diagnostic rcss t4tere carried out for serial correlation, heterosceddsticity, and normaliry. In order to check the stability of long-fut1 coeffcients that form the eftor-correction lerm in combinalion 'with short-run dynamics, cumulati,,te sum ofrecursive residuals test (CUSUM and the cumulalive sum ofsquares ofrecursive residuals tesl (CUSUMQ) is applied to fie residuals of the nodels. The estimation resuh of the error correction model shovs that the speed of adjustment of liquidiry and prcrttability to long run equilibrium isfaster in the commercial banking industry o:fElhiopia. The results of ARDLestimalion shorrs that Funding Liquidity Risk, over allLiquidity Position (i.e. Ratio of Liquid Assets to Total Deposit), Bank size measured as a Natural logarithm of lotal asset are key determinants oflhe Net l terest Margin bolh in lhe shorl ahd long term.Item The Effect of Leadership Styles on Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior(Addis Ababa University, 2023-07) Desalegn Tekle; Dereje Abi (PhD)This study tested the effect of leadership styles on Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior the effect between leadership style and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior. The study employed explanatory research design and a quantitative research approach which included sample of 380 staff members. A multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior Survey were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviations and inferential statistics such as ANOVA, and regression analysis. A Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is made to reduce irrelevant dimension of the factors of the Dependent variable (Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior). Thus of the Ten factors, eight were relevant to the Ethiopia’s particularly in the banking context. Both Transformational and Laissez-fair leadership are practiced above average in a five likert score, yet there is a room for improvement. The regression for both Transformational and Laissez-fair leadership result unveiled a positive and significant effect on the Employees’ Innovative Work behavior which is categorized in to four components while the transactional leadership style had a non-significant relationship. Leaders who frequently employ transformational and laissez-fair leadership create Innovative Work Behavior. Both Transformational and Laissez fair Leadership Styles have above average result in the five point likert scale but due to the fact that the two variables revealed statistically significant and positive effect on Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior, the Bank should have higher level of practice in the two leadership styles to have higher level of Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior