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Item Terminology Development in Gede'uffa(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Demissie, Birhanu; Crass, Joachim (PhD)Si nce it s introduc ti on for primary ed uca tion and adm ini s trati on in 1994 , the com municative domain s o f Ged e' uffa have rcmarkably inc reased thus rcs ultin g in urgcnt needs to d evelop terminol ogy of fo r var io us fie lds s uc h as education. health. a gri culture, law, technology, etc. T he goal of te rm ino logy developmen t is to transfer sc ien tific and techn o logical k nowledge to the ta rget populat ion. It is ev id e nt that the ach ievement of thi s goal not o nl y requ ires increased numbe r of term s in eac h techni ca l field but al so s tandardized te rms . Thus, this is one of the preliminary wo rk s in s t~l11dardi z in g terms in Gede'uffa for variou s techni cal fie lds. Methodo logicall y, th e study is a descriptive s urvey of terminologica l me t hods and p rin c iples in li ne w ith the Gede'uffa te rm in o logies. The data W;}s collected fr om \I rille n sou rces and inte rviews of purpose fu ll y selected informants; a nd analyzed inductivcly. The fr a m e of reference was set on th e me thodological desc rip ti ons th a t are adapted by several th eo retic ians of term in o logy such as Abdulaziz ( 1987 and 1989), Sager (1990), Sage r and Nkwent i-Azeh (1989), Felber ( 19 82 anel 1984 ) and Taliard (2008): and experi e nces of oth e r languages of Eth iopia, Africa and t he worl el. According to the s urvey eight methods s uch as scmantic transfer, deri vation, compounding, loan tran s lat ion, borrow in g, abbrev iation, blending a nd reduplication were employed for term creation in Gede' u ffa . The exist in g terms of Gede'uffa h ave bee n investigated in relation to terminological principles that state the imporlance of syste mat ic icrm in o l