Zeleke, Befekadu (Associate Professor)Girma, Mengistu2019-09-182023-11-052019-09-182023-11-052019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/19106The objective of this study was to assess the school leadership effectiveness in implementing school improvement programs in secondary schools of East Wollega Zone .In this study descriptive survey design was used. Among the 12 government secondary schools found in the Five Woredas of the Zone, 8(66.7) were taken as a sample by using multi stage sampling technique. A total of teachers 116 were selected using multistage sampling techniques. Additionally, 8 secondary school internal supervisors, 8 school principals and 8 vice principals were selected by availability sampling techniques. Finally, 8 PTA representatives were included by using purposive sampling techniques. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, semi structured interview, observation and document analysis. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The data gathered through open–ended questions, interviews, observation and document analysis were analyzed qualitatively through narration for the purpose of triangulation. The findings of the study unveiled low performance of secondary school leaders in implementing school improvement program domains such as, school leadership and community participation. The findings further indicated low performance in the preparation stage of SIP. As the finding of the study revealed the domains, secondary school leaders of East wollega Zone did at an average level were ‘teaching and learning’ and ‘safe and healthy school environment’. Thus, secondary school leaders were not adequately prepared themselves and other responsible stakeholders with important financial and material resources before implementation of SIP and these problems in turn affected the implementation of SIP in the secondary schools of the zone. In general, as the findings of the study revealed secondary school leaders of East Wollega zone were not effective in implementing some domains of school improvement program. Therefore, it is recommended that Woreda education Offices in collaboration with Zone Education Offices and Regional Education Bureau should give sustainable technical assistance including training for school leaders. Woreda education offices in collaboration with school leaders need to enhance community participation. Finally, the REB is advised to promote and sustain the upgrading training system of secondary school leaders to capacitate them with adequate technical and administrative skillsenEducationLeadership Effectiveness of School Leaders in Implementing School Improvement Program in Government Secondary Schools in East Wollega Zone of Oromia Regional StateThesis