Getu, Emana (PhD)Bekele, Demissie2020-11-252023-11-092020-11-252023-11-092019-08-08 is one of the countries harboring many industrial and agricultural institutes like floriculture industry that work on production of flower in high level. Flower farms used to spray Neonicotinoids pesticide chemical to protect insect pests. Honey bees are highly sensitive to neonicotinomide chemical which is carcinogenic chemical that sprayed in floriculture industries. The research investigation conducted to study on the impact of floriculture on honey bee productivity. It assessed the status and average risk of floriculture industry on honey production and bee managements by determining the annual production of honey through time. Descriptive research method was used to describe the impact of floriculture industry on quality and quantities products of honey and honey bee health and reproduction. Acetamiprid and Lufenuron are the Neonicotinoid pesticides that were used to control insect pest including honey bee. About 53.54% of local farmers participating in this research keep honey bee. From the 8 respondents having modern hive, the maximum productivity was 10kg per year from one hive and at a minimum some of the respondent harvested only 4kg per year. The research resulted of the total respondent about 30% harvest honey once per a year from traditional hives and 4% from modern hives while only 8% of them harvest twice from traditional hives and 26% from modern hives. Similarly none of the respondents harvest three times per a year from traditional hives as 6% of the total sample respondent harvest their honey three times from modern hives. Chemical pesticide sprayed in floriculture was commonly neonicotinomide which includes poisonous family acetamiprid, Lufenuron, clothianidin, imidacloprin, of which acetamiprid, Lufenuron and imidacloprin were widely used insecticide and they cause high toxicity to insect than mammals. Impact of this class of insecticide on pollinating insect such as honey bee and native bees were a concern of work. It is recommended to spray pesticide pre or/ after flower bloom or other wise use bee less toxic and alternative method of pests control to take care of honey bee.enHoney BeeFloricultureNeonicotinomidePesticideHoneyBee KeeperHivesProductivityStudies on the Effect of Floriculture Industry on Honey Bee Productivity Around Sebeta Awas Woreda of Oromia Regional State, Awash Melka District.Thesis