Shikur BilalGetahun Eset2024-08-012024-08-012023-01-29 weight gain (GWG) can be defined as the amount of weight gain between conception and just before the birth of the infant; it is a unique and complex biological phenomenon that supports the functions of growth and development of the fetus (1). Gestational weight gain has been regarded as an indicator of maternal and fetal wellbeing (2). It comprises product of conception including the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid comprise approximately 35% of total GWG, changes in maternal tissues uterus, breast, blood and to a similar extent, liver and intestinal mucosa), and changes in body composition with a significant increase in total body water, subcutaneous fat and protein reservesen-USPredictor of Gestation Weight GainPredictor of Gestation Weight Gain in Butajira,Ethiopia Community Basid Retrospective StudyThesis