Assefa, Dawit2018-06-202023-11-092018-06-202023-11-092010-03http:// the last two decades the studies on photonic crystal have made a tremendous developments in many aspects of physics, specifically in the field of nanophotonics. Moreover,many principles and applications of photonic crystal are appearing to be valid in different area of studies. Photonic crystals are microscopic dielectric materials by which light is to be trapped,confined or controlled as it tends to propagates through them. In this project, we review the historical development of photonic crystals, metalic photonic crystals and plasmoics, Maxwell equations and the inspirations of bandgap, the propagation of light in different media such as one , two and three dimensional media of photonic band gap materials(photonic crystals). Our study has fully, concentrated on the progresses, developments of principles and technological applications of photonic band gap material. Finally, we have predicted that electromagnetic waves( light modes) can be guided to a desired direction and in a desired manner carrying ample information by the help of different devices that appropriately exploit the properties of photonic crystalsenPhotonic CrystalPhotonic Crystal: Principles and Aplications in NanophotonicsThesis