Lencho, Negeri (PhD)Girma, Feyisa2018-06-282023-11-082018-06-282023-11-082011-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4534The present study assessed the “use of new media Internet as a source of foreign new information” by journalists in Oromia Mass Media Organization and to examined the opportunities and challenges in using the new media (Internet). Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied. Questionnaires, focus group and individual in-depth, key informant interviews were the instruments used to collect data from journalists, who were the focus of the study. The data were analyzed using SPSS genres. The result of the study depicted that the majority of the journalists surveyed know how to operate a computer with some basic training skills and on trial and error basis, but almost all the journalists do not have in-depth training on how to browse information from the Internet. Except some of the journalists, majority of them have neither access to computer nor free access to the Internet in their respective media organizations, but they may have access to computer in six to eight groups. The finding showed that the journalists are far behind the information about events that are taking place worldwide as a result of lack of access to the Internet. Language barrier is also found to be another aspect that contributes to the low level of awareness of new media by journalists. But, it cannot be said that the majority of the journalists are not aware of the potential of new media Internet for media development in general. The problem of poor access to Internet is attributed mainly to the poor infrastructure of this media house. The basic reason is lack of financial resource. Lack of giving attention to new media sector is also one challenging factors. Finally, the research showed that there is a strong need to direct priority to the expansion of new media infrastructure in the media organizations and also building the capacity of journalists in order to cope up with globalization and information society. Because the utilization of the Internet potential was found to be scanty in the organization, confirming that the journalists in this study area do not easily access foreign news information source materials.enMedia TechnologyNew Media Technology as a Source of Foreign News in Oromiya Mass Media Organization: Challenges and OpportunitiesThesis