Birmeta, Yonas (PhD)Sinishaw, Frehiwot2019-03-082023-11-082019-03-082023-11-082019-01 paper examines the consequences (opportunities and challenges) of the recent activation of ICC’s jurisdiction on the Crime of Aggression (COA), after a long debate and reluctance to criminalize the act. It analyzes this activation’s merits in realizing international criminal justice, i.e. promoting reconciliation leading to peace and security, preventing human rights violations and suffering by deterring future crimes, redressing victims of aggression etc. In addition, it analyzes the possible challenges that will inevitably emerge hindering the attainment of these opportunities. The general challenges of the ICC like political influence, lack of State cooperation, a problem of selectivity, financial problems etc., as well as other specific challenges, will directly affect the prosecution of this crime. Hence, this paper gives, among many others, recommendation for developing a tight relationship between different stakeholders for discussing issues regarding this crime, so as to tackle the negatives in order to obtain the positivesen-USActivation, COA, ICC, Opportunities, ChallengesThe Activation of the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction on the Crime of Aggression: Opportunities and Challenges to the Realization of the International Criminal JusticeThesis