Tolossa, Degefa (PhD)Gulilat, Awoke2018-07-262023-11-182018-07-262023-11-182010-06 overall objective of Ihis study is to assess the achievements of the five years strategic plan and challenges encountered in implementing the stralegic plan in the study ana Tole of the South-West Shewa Zone. In doing so, the research was aimed 01 assessing and finding out major challenges that hindered the strategic plan's implementation in the swdy ana and forward suggestions for fillure performance improvements of the water supply and sanitation development endeavors. During Ihe study, both qualitative and quantilative research melhods were employed. Household survey, Key Informants interview and observation methods were the major data collect ion 100is used to generate primary data. Moreover, all the necessary and relevant secondary data were also used 10 substantiate the primary data. Data analysis of the research was done by using both descriptive stalistics (for quantitative data) and triangulating the findings of different research tools and data sources one with the olher (for qualitative data). It has been depicted thaI less emphasis was given 10 low cost and easily manageable water supply technologies such as on SpOI springs and hand dug wells with hand pump schemes. Implementing bodies have shown unjl/stifled inclinalion to high COSI water supply technologies such as deep wells and machine drilled shallow wells though there IS good ground water potential which could be developed at community level with low cosl and simple and easily manageable technologies. The absence of well organized water resources database (both developed and potentially to be developed) as to the ana IS also another problem encountered in making appropriate and cost efficient water supply technology selection especially on NCOs implemented projects. The weak integralion among stakeholders IS also another challenge which resulted in inefficient utilization of available scarce capital and human resources. The absence of well coordinated monitoring and evaluation system has also aJfocted the construction quality of water supply projects and their timely completion. Moreover, the very limited financial, human and material resources capacity of local implementing bodies such as ana water resources office, less emphaSIS for constructed water supply schemes' manageme11l and the scattered settlement pattern of Ihe people have been also among challenges enCOU11lered during the implemenlation of the strategic plan which resulted in the slow pace of Ihe water supply and sanilation development. Therefore, it IS found recommendable 10 establish a well organized water resources database 01 Ana level so Ihal rational and appropriale water supply oplions' selection could be fairly made. It IS also found importa11l 10 focus on community based low cost and easily manageable water supply options that could be developed with the local capacity by mobilizing the communily at latge with the technical support of local service providers using the available limited capital resources. It is also recommendable to build the capacity of the Ana waler resource office by finance, logistics and materials and manpower (experienced professionals) so that it can give timely response for communities' inquilY and can perfonn ils dulies successfully with its full capacity. Moreover, it IS found recommendable to give due emphasis for the developed water supply schemes ' manageme11t to ensure their sustainability parallel to new water supply schemes construction. The coordination of all stakeholders being involved in the water sector development should also be well strengthened so that efficient uti!tzation of available scarce resources and improved pace of the sector deve/opme11l could be achievedenSanitation StrategicAchievements and Challenges of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategic Plan Implementation In Tole Ana of South West Shewa ZoneThesis