Chane, Abraraw (PhD)Ketema, Tesfaye2019-10-292023-11-042019-10-292023-11-042019-06 is a highly valued commodity and the way of to improve peoples’ personal, social, business and professional life. Empowerment activities are enabling workers to set their own work goals, make decisions, and solve problems within their sphere of influence. It has been suggested as a means of facilitating productive and motivated behavior in the organization. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to explain the effect of empowerment activities on employees’ performance in Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency. The type of this research adopted both descriptive and explanatory research design. In this research, quantitative approach is used. The study preferred census to determine sample size. The research is based on primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected using self-administered questioners distributed to 96 respondents. The study used SPSS 25 version, descriptive statistics, and correlation and regression analysis to analyze the data collected and to evaluate the relationship between the two variables. Based on the analysis, there is positive and high degree correlation between training and employee performance. Regarding to communicating shared vision, there is positive and high degree of correlation between Communicating shared vision and employee performance. And also, there is positive and high degree of correlation between Participatory decision making and employee performance. This research concludes that the three independent variables together predict the percentage of employee performance. In multiple linear regression equation, Participatory decision making has highest beta coefficient which is greatly influence on predicting employees’ performance. The study recommends that involving the employees in decision making and maintaining their independency is very necessary to empower and build their capacity. In addition to this, managers/ supervisors better to take short term Leadership training especially regarding to empowerment activities. The study also recommends that future research that will take a part of survey all the regional offices across the country and better to study in multiple organizations. Such a study will increase accuracy of data and improve reliabilityen-USEmpowermentTrainingCommunicating shared VisionThe Effect of Employee Empowerment Practices on Employee Performance: The Case of Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation AgencyThesis