Areaya, SolomonShimelis, Assefa2018-08-092023-11-052018-08-092023-11-052005-06 main focl(' of this study was to examine how the teaching-learning proce . 0/ mathematics was going on at Yekatit 25/67 Secondary School in Hadiya Zone and factors affecting the teaching-learning process. Having done this, a few speculative suggestions were given to improve teachers' teaching methodology. To achieve what was aimed at, a qualitative case study was employed. For this purpo e, four teachers and twenty- four students were participated as a source of information in the study. Taking these subjects, the data lVas collected through interview, FGD, observation and document analysis. At the end, the study revealed negative feelings of teachers 10IVard their profession and their traditional methods of leaching in class. As teachers confirmed and observed, this was attributed 10 large number of students in a class and teachers load allotment. Moreover, the study indicated that there was less students '-teachers ' Inleraction, shortage of appropriate teaching materialS and improper utilization of the teaching materialSby the teachers. Further, the study showed that teachers did not get adequate training and all'arenes so as to improve their teaching methodology. Finally, on the basIs q/the findings, it was recommended that teachers should be trained and qualified in order to imprOl e the teaching-learning process. ResIdes, concerning the PTV program, it \lias recommended that the concerned bodies should allempt to olve the problem o/Iight and leachll7g classes by looking for some mean, lor Instance, by bUying generators so as not to break the TV transmission and consll'1lc/lI7g (~laddi/ional bUildings and opening other SecondGlY School in The townenSecondary School of Hadiya ZoneA Case Study of The Teaching Learning Process of Mathel\1atics In Yeka Tit 25/67 Secondary School of Hadiya ZoneThesis