Mohammed Assen (Prof)Weyesa Merga2025-01-012025-01-012024-06-01 many parts of Ethiopia, changes in land cover and use are a frequent occurrence. Understanding the dynamics of land use/land cover change, it’s driving factors and impact helps the policy makers to understand the situation and put forward sustainable land uses. This study's objective was to examine changes in LU/LC, their causes, and the socioeconomic effects they have in and around Lagatafo Lagadadi Town. The study was conducted using a combination of GIS, remote sensing, and socioeconomic data. Satellite images of different dates (1983, 1996, 2006, 2016 and 2023) were used to quantify land cover changes using maximum likelihood algorithm of supervised classification. The study’s finding demonstrated that built-up area shows increasing trend through the study periods; 1983 to 2023. In 1983, the built-up area was account for 1.58%; nevertheless, it was 2.55% in 1996, 9.78% in 2006, 45.5 % in 2016 and 53.14%. In general built up area was increased mainly at the expense of Cropland. Cropland shows an increment during 1983 to 1996 from 87.42% to 94.13% and starts to continuously decline during 2006, 2016 and 2023 to 74.2%, 43.83% and 35.37% respectively. Vegetation shows decline between “1983 to 1996” from 2.15% to1.43% and starts to rise during 2006 to 10.6%. And finally it shows 2.85%, and 4.94 in 2016 and 2023respectively. Shrub land shows decreasing trend between 1983 and 1996 (7.51% in 1983, 0.84% in 1996) and then increased to 4.35% between 1996 and 2006. Water bodies showed continuous declining from 1.34% in 1983, to1.21% in 203. Urban expansion due to population growth and immigration was identified as the most drivers of change. These changes resulted in loss of cropland as well as decrease in household income. Based on this, it was determined that there have been notable changes in land use and cover as a result of different socioeconomic causes, which have led to diverse socioeconomic repercussions. To establish management choices, a sustainable land use plan is recommended. Key Words: Drivers, GIS and remote sensing, Implications, LULC dynamicsen-USDriversGIS and remote sensingImplicationsLULC dynamicsAnalysis of Drivers and Implications of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics Using Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques in the Lagatafo Lagadadi Town and Its Surrounding AreaThesis