K, Bose(PhD)Sfikru, Wubshet2018-07-302023-11-102018-07-302023-11-102011-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/10358In Ihe presenl silualion companies have many possibilities to realize service offerings ,rilh huge investmenl in selfservice lechnologies, as the lechnology became Ihe driving force 10 sen'ice Ihe CUSlomers e[fectively and helpfit! in delivering Ihe services, Noll' a dOlS il become challenging for Ihe companies 10 serre CIISlomers e[feClively ,rilh in a prescrihed lillie pm"iding Ihe righl pmducls wilh Imrer COS I, To gel rid oflhis issue 1II0S1 o{lhe orga/'li~OIio/'ls are sho ll'ing illleresl 10 employ selj:sen'ice lechnologies (/ike.-J Tl1s, fick el rending machines. online (lilc/ions etc.). The purpose oj'lhis Ih esis concenlrales on service lIIarkeling and service qualily in order pro , 'ide a belfer underslOnding o{ cuslOmers' alfiludes and preferences wilh leelJllology based sel{se rrice, The swdy specifically aillled al inl'esligaling Ihe alfiludes andsmisjilclionlc rels o(Dashen Bank ArM card holders wilh respeclto l'C/rious aspecls le(liciel/(T, LOnl'enicnce, speed. risk. reliahilily, cOlllplexily, phl'Sical appearance elc.) of using /)ash"n Bonk ,-I TIl The slillh' also includes Ihe opinions o(euslolllers on l'(/rious other ,'('Iuled i .\·S/(l'S .\/(ch uS posilir e (lnd Ile.!..!.u/iIT .Ii..J(/Il ,,· e.~ (~( D(lshen Bank .-1 T\1. 10 reo)lIlIJ}('nt/ulioJls to illl/)I"vl't.! /he serrin..' quO/il)' etc. To IIchiel'e Ihe purl'osc, Ihe researcher used queslionnaire 10 colleCl Ihe daw ji-Olll a slllllple si~e I!{ I 72 f l n I cord holders oj'Dashen Bank. Though Ihe sample lI'ere selecred 0/'1 (I cOl1l'l!nicl1ce hasis 11l1d il lIIay nol represen/ Ihe whole popular ion, bUI slill il is no less illlporl{ll1ljiJl' Ihe /)oshen Bank lIIal1agemel1f 10 consider Ihe recommendalions " 'ilhdu e core/i)r beller CUS{()lIIer service amlfor being in a beller cOlllpel ilive posilion The daw analysis is hosed on bOlh qllali/(ilive and quantilalive mel hods, sllpporled by Ihe quoli!alive in/orlllalion and IileralUre reviews, Finally, in terms of important findings, 1110.1'1 o/Ihe users are lIIale, younger and more educaled people who earns a highly incollle, In addilion, wilh regard to speed, risk, ease a/use and physical appearance, Ihe lIlojorily o/Ihe respondel1ls have posilive alliludes with ATM service of Dashen bank. Bill, " 'ilh regard 10 efficiency (wailing lime) , convenience (accessibilily), and reliabililY (colIsi.l'lel1C) ) allrihulcs: Ih e lIIojorilv o(ATM card holders has u lIegmi,'e or un(ol'oroble affilllll"s 'l'ilh Ihc "I T\ 1,le)'l'ice o/Dusch bankenEducationAssessment of Customers' Attitudes and Satisfaction Levels With Technology Based Self Service: A Case Study on Atm User of Dashen Bank in Addis AbabaThesis