Muralidharan, B (PhD)Das, B.N. (PhD)John, Sundar (Mr.)Mekonnen, Bekele2020-12-242023-11-282020-12-242023-11-282014-09 mechanism of increasing WVP Goat upper leather, the processes have been developed. These process developed during the project were, increased percentage of bating enzyme during bating process, increased the duration time of liming process, avoided the qubracho powder and acrylic syntan during retanning process, decreasing of synthetic fat liquor and instead used semi synthetic fat liquor, increased the percentage of degreaser during degreasing process, after wet blue for 2hrs treated the leather with 1% of urea and acetic acid. For each process, the physical properties such as WVP, tensile strength, percentage elongation at break, tear strength and grain crack were carried out. The result obtained from each process at crust and finished listed in chapter 4 in table form. The experiments carried out for both control and experiments for all experiments.en-USPermeabilityGoat SkinLeatherWater VapourApproach Towards High Performance Water Vapour Permeability Upper Leather from Goat SkinThesis