Dr. Mengesha, FilmonCheru, Tringo2018-12-052025-01-082018-12-052025-01-082018-01https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/14856Most People with substance-related disorders do not seek psychotherapeutic service. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions of people with substance-related disorder towards psychotherapy. A qualitative study, specifically phenomenological approach was employed. Nine participants were interviewed using semi-structured interview guide; selected purposively from inpatient department of addiction ward. The collected interviews were analyzed, using thematic analysis. The emerged themes main were (1) perception about psychotherapy (2) the perceived needs (3) the benefits of psychotherapy (4) the unmet needs people with substance-related disorder receiving psychotherapy. The result of this study showed that participants understand psychotherapy as an advising process, general service, and professional help. Psychotherapy was perceived as being helpful for understanding the nature of the problem, and for adjusting future life. The perceived treatment needs were varied based on the way of admission and their educational level. Participants who are admitted voluntarily and high level of education have a positive perception of the provision of psychotherapy. However, those who are admitted by others influence have a negative perception towards psychotherapy. Participants lack of awareness (where and how to get help), stigma (they afraid of what others would think of them) were raised as potential barriers to seek therapeutic interventions. Factors for unmet treatment needs were identified for lack of continuous follow up by a psychologist, Shortage of time during group therapy and absence of separated female addiction ward. There is a need to promote awareness in the community especially on psychotherapeutic help seeking. In addition, psychologist should take in to account the individuals perspective while providing psychotherapy. In general, there is a need for improving quality of mental health service.en-USSubstance-related disorder, Perception, PsychotherapyExploring the perception of people with substance related disorder towards psychotherapy at Amanuel mental specialized hospital a thesis submitted to department of psychiatry clinical psychology programThesis