Atinafu, Mulugeta (PhdTerfa Leta, Deresse2020-10-202023-11-192020-10-202023-11-192020-05 purpose of this study was to explore the Ethiopian Second Cycle Primary School(SCPS)Physicsteachers’KnowledgeDomains(KD)s(ContentKnowledge(CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)) and implementationofDialogicTeaching(DT). Aqualitativemethod,casestudydesign,andpurposive and convenient sampling technique were employed. Data were collected using Classroom Observation, Questionnaire, Content Representation (CoRe), lesson plan, and interview from nine, SCPS physics teachers. The implementation of DT compared using comparative analysis, with respect to training on DT and teachers’ KDs. The results have indicated that every teacher has had misconceptions and a lack of procedural knowledge in physics contents, and some teachers’ misconceptions were severe. Teachers’ understanding of pedagogical knowledge was good, but practically in their classandlessondevelopment,itwasnaive. MostteacherscouldnottransformtheirCK tocompressibleknowledge. Teachers’knowledgeofcomponentsofPCKwasminimal. Noneoftheteachersfullyimplementdialogicteachingintheirclass. However,teachers who have training in DT and a higher level of KDs relatively demonstrated DT better than teachers who have no training and have lower KDs, respectively. The researcher recommendedthatThemediumofinstructionshouldbethemothertongue, orteachers should have at least good knowledge of communicative English, professional developmenttrainingforsecondcycleprimaryschoolteachersandprospectiveteachersshould be well-mentored, supervised, and supported for a long time during teaching practice. ,en-USCase study, Comparative analysis, Content knowledge, Dialogic teaching, Knowledge domains, pedagogical content Knowledge, Pedagogical knowledgeA PhD Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Science and Mathematics EducationThesis