Mesfin, Tewodros (PhD)Tadesse, Menbere2018-10-222023-11-042018-10-222023-11-042017-05-02 objective of this research paper was to examine factors influencing customers’ preference to use training services of Ethiopian Aviation Academy. The researcher thus tried to analyze the applicability of Jackson's (1982) hybrid model in regards to brand preference of Ethiopian aviation academy. The selected conceptual framework was on factors affecting students' college choice preference; from college characteristics which are costs/price, reputation of the institution, academic program/availability, facilities and advertizing was analyzed. A quantitative research design was applied to research the causal relationship of the college choice preference and determinants of college choice. A stratified sampling technique was conducted to contact the sample respondents’ form the five training schools of the academy. Applying a structured questionnaire written in English the researcher distributed to 170 trainees in person. The analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics by using SPSS version 20. The research finding clearly indicates that College Reputation has positive relationship with college choice decision/preference. Price has a negative relationship with customers’ college choice preference. This means that a one unit increase in price will result a decrease in customers college choice preference. Advertising has also a positive relationship with college choice decision/preference. Therefore, the academy has to work on its branding to maintain its reputation, must increase its promotional activities on Television and Radio and design best pricing policy to maintain and attract customers brand preference.en-USadvertizinginstitutionAnalyzing Factors Influencing Customers Preference To Use Training Services Of Ethiopian Aviation AcademyThesis