Desta, Azeb(PhD)Dinka, Hailu2018-08-102023-11-182018-08-102023-11-181991-06 MaNA/June 1990, a stu4 was carrie. out U I1ltl~a~.r Seaior Sece •• ~ Scaools to assess tae perror~saees .r teacaers .r tae acadeJlic subjects u curricula illple.e.tati •• ;· Tae ~asie questions whica tae s~ atteaptea to 8llSWer were: _ (i) Do teacaers select, structure, a. reorc8Jlis. tao c.o.teats .r tae suijects tae7 teaca t. rac1litate tae pla.p1. c aat enclisio •• r illstructio.? (ll) Do all teacaers ' eQl~ &Jpropriate aetao.s, teckaiques, an. proeeures i. teacAUc? (iii) Do teacaers saow sa atte~t to overcometae saortace or teac~.le8rPiac .aterials? (iv) Do teacaers use coa.uait,y res. uri es t. 'ta. aaveatace .or iastructio.? aU. (v) D. teacaers prenb rer I coaeeras .r tae learRers~ ORe auaare. thri~ tour teacaers rro. a saaple or tAree scaools participatea 1a tae study. Tllrougll tao use .r questioaaire, oiservations, ana l.terviews, .ata were collect .. rroa teacaers. Directors · and stu.eats were also i.temew .... Tae .ata collecte4 were anal7zea usiae peree.taces, avera&es, Clrl-S~uare Ustribution, and iDterpretatiollS ia relatio. t. li terature in the field of curriculua and. instrueti... h particular, II J oAnson 's model or eurriculua taeeq· was takea as a treae or reference. . . . - Major findings of the stuq were (i) Teacaers elllla~e. (selecte., structured, and reorc8Jlize.) tae co.te.ts .r tae SUBjects tae7 teach to facilitate tae planai~ an. execusion of instructio., (ii) Too many teacaers were unconceraea aiout tae sllortSf)e of illstructional lIIaterials i. the suijects tae7 teaca, (iii) Teacaers tended to demonstrate a less frequent use of appropriate procedures ani teclmiques in teacllinc sat .0 significaat Ufference was observe .. letween all teacaers ia tns regart, (iv) ~ew teachers used tae coaauni~ tor auea ot tileir teacnllg, ant (v) Teachers assiste" tae learaers oaly tllrougll inforaal uvice and encourageaents. On tae lasis of the findin,s it was reco_eDdea to (i) Orgaaize workshops and seminars for teacaers to aelr the •• aster the methods and tecAniques of teaclliwc, (ii) Atnse teacaers to produce their own teachin~ aids, (iii) Encourage teachers to use community resoruces, ,iv) Moiilize tae scaool aad tae surrounding cOlllllunity tor tae upkeepiac ut aaintenaace of tae scaool, and (v) Make coatiaious tollow ups ot teacaersenCurriculum ImplementationAn Assessment of Teachers' Performances in Curriculum Implementation Illubabor Senior Secondary Schools in FocusThesis