Temesgen, Busha (PhD)Girma, Tekeba2020-12-162023-11-042020-12-162023-11-042020-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/24114The latest reports designed to monitor and evaluate country’s performance on trade facilitation metrics revealed Ethiopia’s performance through Ease of Doing Business, Logistics Performance Index, Trade Facilitation Index, and Enabling Trading Index was at lower level. With this deprived status no studies had been conducted in Ethiopia on the limitation defined (most studies particularly focused on Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries). The main intent of this work was to evaluate the trade facilitation instruments proposed by World Trade Organization with the ongoing activities in Ethiopia’s import trade, thereby identifying existing gaps, assessing the overall consistency of the activities and delineate potentials for improving the business environment through prioritizing Trade facilitation measures. In assessment of this descriptive type of research and find solution for the problem the researcher used quantitative approach and presents the analyzed data through latest version of Statistical Package for Statistical Software 20 of semi-structured questionnaire collected from judgmentally selected 56 representatives of importers, Customs Clearing Agent and Ethiopian Customs Commission. The finding of the study revealed that the performances of Ethiopian Customs Commission in facilitating import trade have at deprived level. Among the indicators assessed appeal procedure, risk management, post clearance audit and authorize economic programs had implemented in better of other measures. The reasons indicated that the institution’s poor system on accessing information in all customs related matters, lack of transparency to involve public and stalk holders at their level of content and less concerns made to automate the formalities. Finally to enhance trade facilitation through Ethiopian Customs Commission the study recommended: the commission to establish a system which enable to consult on changes made through public media and efficiently designed website; furnish its website and feed any changes; design the program to implement automation system as prompt as possible and revitalize the existing system and transform it in best practice of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or any succeeding countries.en-USEthiopian Customs CommissionTrade facilitationTrade facilitation IndicatorsAssessing the performance of Ethiopian Customs Commission in Reference to Import Trade Facilitation: Perspective of Wheat and Palm Oil ImporterThesis